Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Ty

Ya know as a parent you want to do everything you can to make your kids birthdays a fun day but really at this age it doesn't take very much.  We had a lot of family come to celebrate with Ty.  My parents and most of Bryan's family came and that just made him so happy.  Ty just wanted to blow out his candles, play with his new toys and spend time with  his cousins.  I can't believe my baby is three.  I love  you Ty!!

He told me "take my picture mom!" Here he is eating his favorite breakfast, german pancakes, for his birthday.  


Adam and Aubrey said...

Oh man. That last picture is killer! What a goofy kid! Love it!

Emily + Eric said...

What a cute little guy! That last picture is to die for. Seriously.
I'm glad he had such a fun day!

Brittney said...

He is so cute, and really time flies so fast, it does not seem that long ago that you had him! I love his smile in that last picture! And I too like that kids at this age are easy to entertain for their birthdays they really don't expect much except for presents!