Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, February 20, 2009

A crazy ladies rant on life- read at your own risk!

So it's been on LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG WEEK!  I've bet I've only seen Bryan for about 5 hours all week.  I can't wait until church basketball IS OVER!  He always is like come and watch me play but some of his games are at 9 pm- my kids would be going crazy.  Between school work and basketball two nights a week I never see him.  So I'm going nutty to say the least.  I swear Ty acts out more when dad is gone all of the time.  This next part is for people who are potty training or can stand me talking about potty training.  We have been doing way better with the potty thing with Ty.  He only wares diapers to bed usually and doesn't pee his pants all of the time. Well while I was making dinner in the kitchen Ty comes in with poop all down his legs and so I run into the bathroom with him and it turns out he was just sitting too far back on the seat and pooped on it. So I couldn't get too mad at him.  But he had tried to clean it up so it was everywhere.  On the seat, on the sides of the toilet, all over the toilet paper, on the floor and rug.  Ugh!  I hate poop.  So I had to turn everything off in the kitchen (which was in the middle of cooking) and throw Ty in the tub, clean up all the poop and keep Blake out of it at the same time.  One of those time having Bryan home would have been REALLY helpful.  Yesterday Ty comes in the living room and announces happily that he just peed in the tub.  Ugh!  So I had to clean all of the tub toys in their plus the tub.  He got in trouble with that one but come to find out Bryan told him it was better to pee in the tub then on the floor a little while ago.  What?  He had time to go on his potty.  It's good I can already look back on all of this and laugh.  Hey It's only taken me a year to potty train Ty.  Now I got Blake to do in a year of so.  Blake already said potty to me all of the time when Ty is in there.  Maybe he will get it faster?!? One can only hope.

We have the fox news channel on free preview this month and I hate to say it but we may have to upgrade to get it full time.  That is all we watch but it's driving my nuts too.  I can see why most Americans tune out of what is happening in government because it's depresses me.  The normal news only covers what they want to cover and that drives me nuts.  I have to say I am SO CONENT that when the Pope met Nancy Pelosi (I don't know if I spelled that right but I don't care to know how to spell her name because I hate her) he chewed her out for her stand on abortion.  She released a statement about all the nice things they said but the Pope's people released one that said he told her a Catholic should believe that life begins at conception.  I was cheering.  It was wonderful.  I am so sick and tired of those idiots in Washington spending my money on stupid things. They spend it like it doesn't have a price.  I'm really upset about the housing bill that Obama is doing that helps people that bought homes they couldn't afford get a better rate.  So let me get this straight.  My husband and I ALWAY pay our bills on time and we spent three years working to get our nice home with hundred of hours of work to get a home we could afford and I'm the one being asked to pay for someone who was stupid enough to get a dumb loan or buy a home they couldn't afford?? So should I stop paying my house payment to get a better interest rate?  I do feel for the people who have lost their jobs or have to move and I would be glad to help those people out. There really are people who deserve help.  The other people who had to have it all now without having the money now, you don't deserve my money.  I was smart with mine.  Maybe you will have to pay the price now.  Sorry if that offends anyone.  I'm tried of the government rewarding stupidity and laziness while the rest of us pay for it.  Ugh.  I better start watching a few more shows of Jon and Kate plus 8 and less Fox news Glenn Beck and Hannity.  

I am so thankful to be able to stay home with my boys as much as I complain about it.  I love my boys and I am looking forward to my husband being home this weekend!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Heart Day!

My boys all cozy watching goofy cartoons.  It's rare for both boys to hold still long enough to stay with dad.
Blake will go in my kitchen and pull out all of his books out of my drawer and sit and look though them.  It's one of my favorite things he does. 

My parents were here for Valentines day- my dad to help Bryan with some house projects and my mom helped me do a big project for her mom, my Grandma J. We are helping her scan some pictures of her for a video slideshow for her birthday this year.  I actually really enjoyed doing it because she would tell me all about what was going on.  I am going to have to go back to get a bunch more done.  Bryan surprised me by hiring a babysitter so we could go out with out our kids.  It's very, very rare for us to go anywhere without our kids alone.  I had been giving him little notes for a little while and a big bad of candy I promised I wouldn't eat while he was at work.  When I'm alone all day at home with the boys  I tend to eat a lot of snacks.  Even though I am skinny now if I keep this up I won't be.  I need spring in more ways then one!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My beautiful home

I have to tell you I love in a very beautiful place.  I was driving this morning (which is a big deal because it ment I actually left my house.  Yea!)  and it had snowed last night.  There was snow covering all of the trees and the mountains had a fresh coat of snow.  It was so beautiful.  I love living here. 

My boys have been nutty lately.  Mostly my husband.  Last week he came home from one of his many basketball games and said "Heather I think I broke my thumb" kind of matter of factly.  Lucky for us it was only a bad jam but he still can't move it very much.  Then that night when Blake got up he sprawled out in our bed and I sat on his hand getting back into bed.  I felt so bad.  Another winning point in my argument to get a king sized bed.  Ty has to help me with everything.  I am trying to be more understanding to him demanding on pouring and mixing and making everything.  I know he just wants to help but it drives me crazy.  Blake is been so funny lately.  He has three teeth on top and I love his little smile.  His teeth crack me up.  Well Ty is yelling to have me help him make some frosting.  Lets see how much of a mess we can make today!

PS I love tax return season.  

Monday, February 2, 2009

My crazy kids

I know I haven't posted on here for awhile but I really  haven't been doing anything of note.  I did want to post some funny things my kids are saying and doing.  Mr. Bake is now 16 months old and STILL not sleeping though the night.  I've been waiting for a Friday night to let him cry it out but he keeps getting sick.  Bryan has to wake up early for work and school other days so I don't want to do that to him during the week.  Especially since Blake screams his head off the moment he wakes up in the night.  While he was sick I was up at least every 2 hours with him.  It's no wonder I have a constant little cold I don't get enough sleep ever!  I know someone with a 4 month old that complains that she can't get anything done.  The baby sleeps all night and has for months and takes two 2 hr. naps a day.  I'm thinking I wake up at least 2 times every night with Blake and am lucky to get a hour nap from him during the day.  Ugh.  He has turned into quite the funny kid though.  He says tons and tons of words- I bet 50-75 words. Mostly no.  And when he wants something he just says "mom mom mom mom" until I can figure out what it is he wants.  His favorite thing is popcorn. He says popcorn all of the time.  The kid could eat the whole bag if I let him.  His eating is getting a lot better too thank goodness.  When he is done eating he says "done" so I can get him down.  He loves to follow Ty around our house and play with cars.  Such a sweet baby.  But he has his moments.  He is starting to bite me with the 4 teeth he has.  Ty and I always have teeth marks on us.  
Ty talks my ear off.  The other day I was tickling him and he said "mom I happy".  He always tells me what he wants to give me for Christmas.  Like "mom I buy you are machine (a sewing machine) for Christmas?"  That is the only thing he knows is mine in the house he can't play with.  He doesn't get that Christmas is a year away.  He gets the sears add and carries it around the house because he wants a lawn mower and a screwdriver.  He reminds me his buddy papa (my dad) is building him a sand box in our back yard all of the time.  
I took the boys outside after it snowed one day and we did ok until Ty put snow down Blake's coat.  The fights have already started.   We had a good week and a half without illness and now I'm getting sick with Ty.   Getting ready for another Dr.'s visit I0.  I made it though January though.  Bring on Spring!!!