We have the fox news channel on free preview this month and I hate to say it but we may have to upgrade to get it full time. That is all we watch but it's driving my nuts too. I can see why most Americans tune out of what is happening in government because it's depresses me. The normal news only covers what they want to cover and that drives me nuts. I have to say I am SO CONENT that when the Pope met Nancy Pelosi (I don't know if I spelled that right but I don't care to know how to spell her name because I hate her) he chewed her out for her stand on abortion. She released a statement about all the nice things they said but the Pope's people released one that said he told her a Catholic should believe that life begins at conception. I was cheering. It was wonderful. I am so sick and tired of those idiots in Washington spending my money on stupid things. They spend it like it doesn't have a price. I'm really upset about the housing bill that Obama is doing that helps people that bought homes they couldn't afford get a better rate. So let me get this straight. My husband and I ALWAY pay our bills on time and we spent three years working to get our nice home with hundred of hours of work to get a home we could afford and I'm the one being asked to pay for someone who was stupid enough to get a dumb loan or buy a home they couldn't afford?? So should I stop paying my house payment to get a better interest rate? I do feel for the people who have lost their jobs or have to move and I would be glad to help those people out. There really are people who deserve help. The other people who had to have it all now without having the money now, you don't deserve my money. I was smart with mine. Maybe you will have to pay the price now. Sorry if that offends anyone. I'm tried of the government rewarding stupidity and laziness while the rest of us pay for it. Ugh. I better start watching a few more shows of Jon and Kate plus 8 and less Fox news Glenn Beck and Hannity.
I am so thankful to be able to stay home with my boys as much as I complain about it. I love my boys and I am looking forward to my husband being home this weekend!!
All I have to say is Amen.
You make me laugh!! I giggled through most of your post. I agree with you on all the government junk but try to look it at it in a positive way. It is a sign of the times, it's what's suppose to happen and we get to be here to witness it.
It definitely helps to have a hubby home to help with the kids. I think I would put my foot down and say only 1 day of basketball instead of 2, especially if you already don't seem him very much because of school. It's more important to spend time with your family than to play sports.
And I totally agree with you on the political stuff.
Good luck on that potty training!
You are so funny and I agree with everything! I am so not looking forward to potty training Tai we have kinda started but nothing big, and I am way nervous about things like poop running down his legs! So good luck I am rooting for you!
And I too think it is hilarious that the pope chewed her out!
Good luck!
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