Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, February 2, 2009

My crazy kids

I know I haven't posted on here for awhile but I really  haven't been doing anything of note.  I did want to post some funny things my kids are saying and doing.  Mr. Bake is now 16 months old and STILL not sleeping though the night.  I've been waiting for a Friday night to let him cry it out but he keeps getting sick.  Bryan has to wake up early for work and school other days so I don't want to do that to him during the week.  Especially since Blake screams his head off the moment he wakes up in the night.  While he was sick I was up at least every 2 hours with him.  It's no wonder I have a constant little cold I don't get enough sleep ever!  I know someone with a 4 month old that complains that she can't get anything done.  The baby sleeps all night and has for months and takes two 2 hr. naps a day.  I'm thinking I wake up at least 2 times every night with Blake and am lucky to get a hour nap from him during the day.  Ugh.  He has turned into quite the funny kid though.  He says tons and tons of words- I bet 50-75 words. Mostly no.  And when he wants something he just says "mom mom mom mom" until I can figure out what it is he wants.  His favorite thing is popcorn. He says popcorn all of the time.  The kid could eat the whole bag if I let him.  His eating is getting a lot better too thank goodness.  When he is done eating he says "done" so I can get him down.  He loves to follow Ty around our house and play with cars.  Such a sweet baby.  But he has his moments.  He is starting to bite me with the 4 teeth he has.  Ty and I always have teeth marks on us.  
Ty talks my ear off.  The other day I was tickling him and he said "mom I happy".  He always tells me what he wants to give me for Christmas.  Like "mom I buy you are machine (a sewing machine) for Christmas?"  That is the only thing he knows is mine in the house he can't play with.  He doesn't get that Christmas is a year away.  He gets the sears add and carries it around the house because he wants a lawn mower and a screwdriver.  He reminds me his buddy papa (my dad) is building him a sand box in our back yard all of the time.  
I took the boys outside after it snowed one day and we did ok until Ty put snow down Blake's coat.  The fights have already started.   We had a good week and a half without illness and now I'm getting sick with Ty.   Getting ready for another Dr.'s visit I0.  I made it though January though.  Bring on Spring!!!


Adam and Aubrey said...

Ugh to sickness! Winter is rough. I remember making Kona cry it out. So rough. He was like, 4 months old. Adam has to be to work freakishly early, so we made sure to wait for a weekend! I don't blame you! Good luck. Once they get into their crying rhythm, it's like they'll never stop! Good luck! I hope your boys can sty healthy at least til spring. That seems so far away though. . . ugh!

Heidi said...

ya we're still moving back to Logan. I'm sooo excited!(In June, when the baby is only a couple weeks old...just like when we moved out to Missouri when Carson was two weeks's going to be a little stresful!) I'm sooo glad Blake is eating better. He sounds like a talker...I'm amazed at how many words he says.