Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My beautiful home

I have to tell you I love in a very beautiful place.  I was driving this morning (which is a big deal because it ment I actually left my house.  Yea!)  and it had snowed last night.  There was snow covering all of the trees and the mountains had a fresh coat of snow.  It was so beautiful.  I love living here. 

My boys have been nutty lately.  Mostly my husband.  Last week he came home from one of his many basketball games and said "Heather I think I broke my thumb" kind of matter of factly.  Lucky for us it was only a bad jam but he still can't move it very much.  Then that night when Blake got up he sprawled out in our bed and I sat on his hand getting back into bed.  I felt so bad.  Another winning point in my argument to get a king sized bed.  Ty has to help me with everything.  I am trying to be more understanding to him demanding on pouring and mixing and making everything.  I know he just wants to help but it drives me crazy.  Blake is been so funny lately.  He has three teeth on top and I love his little smile.  His teeth crack me up.  Well Ty is yelling to have me help him make some frosting.  Lets see how much of a mess we can make today!

PS I love tax return season.  


Adam and Aubrey said...

I love the seasons! Winter seems a little long at times, but it's sooo pretty! Ever since I had a child, I too love tax return season! Woot for money!

Brittney said...

I too love where you live and we wish we could move back. Guess that is what happens when you move to the ghetto! And sorry to hear about Bryan's thumb- not fun. But gotta say we love having a king bed, even better when you have unexpected visitors in the middle of the night!