Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, July 27, 2009

Day trip to Jackson Hole

We had a state holiday this last weekend so my husband didn't have to work Friday- and originally we were planning on going backpacking with my family and extended family.  I decided at the last minute that backpacking with my boys was way more work then it would be worth so we didn't go.  I told my husband that I didn't want to just stay home and do nothing so we decided to drive to Jackson Hole Wyoming for a day trip. I wasn't prepared for the long drive we did in one day.  Especially when Blake didn't sleep for the drive at all!  But luckily my sister in law lent us their potable DVD player so it saved us. Here are a few pictures from our day:
Most of the time we found people to take a picture of us but this time I just set the camera on the ground.  Funny thing is the kids look at the camera better when I do that then when someone takes the picture.  This is the Teton's behind us.  
One of the things we really wanted to do was the Alpine slide with the boys. I was surprised how expensive it was!  But I didn't drive all that way to watch Bryan and Ty do it so I took Blake.  It was the highlight of the trip for them. 
This is the top of the ski lift.  Too bad it was cloudy because you can see the Tetons from up there.  
We had to take the ski lift to ride the slide.  I was a little nervous Blake would freak and wiggle and fall off it but we lived.  He kept telling me all done.  Ty rode with Bryan up and he loved it. 
We were going to drive into Jenny's lake and go on a little day hike but it was rainy and they wanted us to pay for a week pass to get in.  They didn't sale a day pass.  I couldn't believe it!  25 bucks to drive in for a few hours.  Government for ya.  So we drove along the highway and found a lot of pretty look out points.  Even one off the road next to a creek. 
My boys.
I love how both my kids are looking at the camera in this picture. 
You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get them to be good for a picture. 
A nice lady took this for us.
I have a picture of my dad like this at Redfish lake in Idaho when my brother and I were about this age that I LOVE!  So I wanted to sort of recreate it.  

Monday, July 20, 2009

Nothing runs like a Deere!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this photo of my boys. 

Our good friend Scott owns some cows nearby us and he was kind enough to take Tyson on a tractor ride.  Some boys are into cars, or batman, or trains- mine is way into John Deere Tractors!  He has been to Scott's place before and for the last year Ty prayers - every prayer-is him praying that he can ride the tractor with Scott.  It goes something like "bless me ride the tractor, bless me plow my field- Amen". 
Here is Scott with the boys.  Thanks again Scott!

Had to get a photo opt with the John Deere.  He loved seeing the acutal size of his tractors he plays with. 
Ty with Scott- he has a huge grin on his face!

My brother had a birthday last week so I went with the boys to my parents for a day to celebrate.  My brother drove me- I'm still a little nervous to drive in that dang canyon we got hit in.  You can see the skid marks from our car.  Little creepy! 
My boys love their Uncle Nate.  Happy b-day bud!
Tyson  has been talking about riding the jet ski all year and this is his first time this year.  He tries to gun it so you have to keep a eye on him!   
Blake's first jet ski ride.  He was nervous but he loved it! 
A week ago we drove down to Cabelas to buy Bryan some very expensive but nice hunting boots but on the way we stopped at a gas station with a Burger King in it and Bryan got the boys some crowns.  I love how they both feel asleep with them on!  So cute! 

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pictures that would make my mom in law ill

Sorry Debbie- you know how Bryan is.  But my boys love it!  

If you could see his face he is smiling.  What a fun dad. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July weekend

It's been crazy around here the last week or two.  Bryan is in school right now and is studying most of the time so we don't see him very often.  I miss him!  I hope he will be home more soon.  For someone who HATES school as much as he does he really works hard.  I'm so proud of him!  
This was our 4th of July weekend: 
Ty is always playing with his tractors and his bunny.  I love how he was giving his bunny a ride!
My niece with the heart problems- she had a crazy episode last week where she passed out and swelled up really bad.  We are just so thankful for everyday that she is with us!  She is more personality in her finger them most do in their entire body. 
Bryan went on a hike during his time off.  They found this beautiful waterfall!
My niece- isn't she so stinking cute???
There was a tractor where we were sitting for the fireworks so of course 
the boys had to go see it. 
This picture cracks me up because Blake looks like he is trying to be a tough guy or something!  I had picked up a bunch of glow sticks for the kids so they all had one for the fireworks.  They were a HUGE hit!
During the fireworks.