I LOVE LOVE LOVE this photo of my boys.
Our good friend Scott owns some cows nearby us and he was kind enough to take Tyson on a tractor ride. Some boys are into cars, or batman, or trains- mine is way into John Deere Tractors! He has been to Scott's place before and for the last year Ty prayers - every prayer-is him praying that he can ride the tractor with Scott. It goes something like "bless me ride the tractor, bless me plow my field- Amen".

Here is Scott with the boys. Thanks again Scott!

Had to get a photo opt with the John Deere. He loved seeing the acutal size of his tractors he plays with.

Ty with Scott- he has a huge grin on his face!
My brother had a birthday last week so I went with the boys to my parents for a day to celebrate. My brother drove me- I'm still a little nervous to drive in that dang canyon we got hit in. You can see the skid marks from our car. Little creepy!

My boys love their Uncle Nate. Happy b-day bud!

Tyson has been talking about riding the jet ski all year and this is his first time this year. He tries to gun it so you have to keep a eye on him!

Blake's first jet ski ride. He was nervous but he loved it!

I love that your boys (mostly Ty) go crazy for a specific brand of tractor! Ha ha! Kona doesn't even have a clue, and I doubt he ever will! I absolutely love the mini versions of the tractors you guys have though, Kona loved them! And those are some durable toys! Love it! What lucky little boys to ride in the tractor!
How cute that Ty loves John Deere tractors! Micah is the one at our house who is distracted by John Deere- he works with John Deere and right now he is designing one of their combines. So every time we see one on the side of the road he wants to stop and check them out! Anyway I love his big smile while on the tractor! And Happy Birthday to Nate! How fun to go jet skiing, crazy that Ty likes to gun it!
Anytime you are down this way we would love to see you and your boys! I will call you sometime I am up and we will get together!
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