Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pictures that would make my mom in law ill

Sorry Debbie- you know how Bryan is.  But my boys love it!  

If you could see his face he is smiling.  What a fun dad. 


Curtis and Deedra said...

Wow, they are really high in the air. My kids get scared if we try to throw them in the air even a little bit. Your boys are brave :)

Kandace said...

I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!!! Great Pics, Heaz!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures make me so nervous! But they are so cute. :) Fun!

MortFamily said...

My props to Bryan. I flip my kids in the air so taht they do airborn summersaults. Lara usually gets mad at me.

Janet said...

Have Brian ask Allan how Josh got a broken leg when he was 2.
Love the pictures!

Adam and Aubrey said...

My mom vomits when she sees Adam do this. Maybe she twitches too. I dunno. I think it makes for awesome pictures though. (but there is a rule: nobody else is allowed to throw my children)

Brittney said...

Holy cow! Aren't dad's great! Especially for little boys, it seems they are in the air so high but totally trusting and loving it!

By the way I love the pics good job!

Rebecca said...

That's worse than MJ's tricks!!
I won't even do under-dogs.