Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July weekend

It's been crazy around here the last week or two.  Bryan is in school right now and is studying most of the time so we don't see him very often.  I miss him!  I hope he will be home more soon.  For someone who HATES school as much as he does he really works hard.  I'm so proud of him!  
This was our 4th of July weekend: 
Ty is always playing with his tractors and his bunny.  I love how he was giving his bunny a ride!
My niece with the heart problems- she had a crazy episode last week where she passed out and swelled up really bad.  We are just so thankful for everyday that she is with us!  She is more personality in her finger them most do in their entire body. 
Bryan went on a hike during his time off.  They found this beautiful waterfall!
My niece- isn't she so stinking cute???
There was a tractor where we were sitting for the fireworks so of course 
the boys had to go see it. 
This picture cracks me up because Blake looks like he is trying to be a tough guy or something!  I had picked up a bunch of glow sticks for the kids so they all had one for the fireworks.  They were a HUGE hit!
During the fireworks. 


Brittney said...

Looks like you had fun, and the glow sticks are a great idea. I saw a bunch of kids with some at the fire works and Tai kept trying to take them! Next time I will get some too- where did you get them?

Curtis and Deedra said...

It was so good to see you last week. I wish we could have stayed longer. If we hadn't already had dinner plans with my aunt we definitely would have taken you up on that pizza offer :) And after seeing the area you live in I'm thinking I could definitely live there too if we had to move. It is so beautiful!