Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, August 31, 2009

Playing Catch Up!

So we have been doing a lot the last little bit but my internet is so slow I keep putting off posting!  I found my old journal the other day I kept while in college and it made me sad I don't do as well writing down my life.  I wrote almost everyday from the time I was in Jr. High (although I feel like throwing those journals out, so dumb) until I finished college.  I guess it's because I am too busy and tired now when I go to bed to write.  Don't worry- I won't inform you on ALL the things I do but I can at least post some of the fun things we have been up too.  
A week ago we decided we needed to go do something fun before Bryan jumps back into school so we took the boys up in the mountains for a cook out.  I love doing things like this with just our boys.  I hope they remember these things as good memories. 
This reminds me of the days when my dad was a camp director at a BSA camp.  When I was a kid my hands ALWAYS looked like this.  The boys loved the dirt.  I'm surprised they didn't roll around in it. 
Bryan and the boys. He is such a fun dad.   
My cousin got married and this was us at the wedding breakfast.  
Blake has really come alive lately!  The kid can kick a soccer ball at a dead run all the way down our yard- which is pretty long.  He doesn't even  stop, I've never seen a kid his age take to sports like he does.  He has a LOT of attitude.  One minute he is as sweet as they come the next he is ripping out my hair and clawing my face.  I hope this phase ends soon.  Most of the time he is my sweet baby.
My sis in law ran a half marathon.  What a women!  It was just a year ago she had a baby too!  Not the baby in the picture... that is our nephew.  Way to go Becca!!  
Bryan and I took the boys to the local zoo and park.  Blake loves the swings.  

Whatever floats your boat!

I have lots to post and not very much time- so I'll do what I can!  We made zucchini boats to float down the ditch in front of our house.  Ty wouldn't throw his in at first but then realized he was missing out.  They loved it!  What a fun morning that was.  I love my boys are old enough to do this kind of thing together.   

Monday, August 24, 2009

This story will make you sick.

I have a lot of other pictures I should be posted but that they will have to wait because I have a crazy story.  I love to sew and I pieced together this cute table runner a few months ago and decided on Friday to finish it.  I have a special quilting foot I use when I want to be able to move the fabric where I want it and I was using it.  Tyson was dancing to some song we were playing on the CD player and I was a little distracted and got my finger in the way. It's easy to do when your moving the fabric all around like I was.  The needle went right into my finger and got stuck there.  Usually the needle comes back up but I can see how going though that much finger makes it stuck.  You can see the little prick mark above my finger nail.  So I'm screaming and poor Ty is freaking out. He is trying to pull my finger out and I'm yelling at  him to go away and not to touch me.  I manually roll the needle up but my finger is still stuck to it.  I really wasn't sure how I was going to pull it off because it is really stuck on there.  So as I'm trying to figure this out I'm sure about 30 seconds has passed and I'm stuck to the dang sewing machine! Of course I'm screaming this whole time.  Ty reaches up when I'm not paying attention and pulls my finger off the needle.  I honestly don't know how the little guy pulled that hard.  At first I was mad at him because that REALLY REALLY hurt but thinking back I don't think I would have had the courage to do it myself.  So I run upstairs to the sink and put it under water (which really hurt) and I notice there is blood on the top and bottom of my finger so it had gone all the way though.  After a few minutes of calling everyone I could think of I finally got a hold of Bryan because I didn't know what to do.  I didn't think it did but looking at the puncher point I had to of gone though my bone.  It's right in the middle of my finger.  I didn't really realize it before but my finger is a little numb where my band aid at been.  I figured it was my band aid that made it feel like that but I must have hit a nerve.  I'm sure it will heal and I will be fine.  Just a crazy story I wanted to write down before I forgot.  So note to self: pay attention while sewing!!! Because looking at a needle stinking out of your finger is not fun, and VERY VERY painful! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Weekend at Grandmas

Bryan went with the youth group in our ward on a few day camp out last week so we went to my moms house.  It was the first time I drove though the canyon since our accident and I was proud of myself for not having a nervous breakdown.  Here are some of the fun things we did while we were there: 
No one loves popcorn more then my baby.  

The sunflower in my parents backyard.  

Oh boy!
My mom teachers Elementary school and does a big pirate unit with fun pirate stuff- she helped dress the boys and they loved it. 
Arg Matey!
The boys found my moms mirror in her closet.  
Grandma and Pa took us to Chuck E Cheese to play for awhile.  Note to self: if you are old enough to be a parent but have no kids with you, are a teenager you do not belong at Chuck E Cheese.  I couldn't believe how many older people where there playing games without kids with them.  WEIRD.  
And when we got home we made a "boat".  He had to put all of his 
bedding on it so he could sleep.  

Were glad our daddy is back.  We missed him!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Grandma's 90th B-day bash

My dad's mom is turning 90 this year and even though her birthday is in the winter we celebrated it this last weekend.  When you have 9 kids, 68 grandkids and 97 (with 7 on the way) great grand kids it's hard to plan these things next to Christmas so they did it now.  Can you believe that?  So much family coming from one little women.  We had a little program for her and I saw some of my cousins I haven't seen for a really long time.  Not everyone could come but a good amount of them did. You would think when you have 66 cousins on one side (I have 85 total) you wouldn't know them very well but I do- and I know every one of their names.  My cousins are some of my best friends.  One thing I have learned from my Grandma is that family is really important and to spend as much time with them as possible.  My friends come and go but my cousins are always there. I just love them to pieces!  
I have no idea what is up with Ty's face in this picture but you can see how tan I am still from bear lake!  Sweet! I actually lived in her basement apartment for two years while in college- and because of that I met my sweet husband.  Good memories! 
Last summer my Uncle Dan passed away.  He was my Grandma's oldest son and it was really sudden that he died.  Next to my Aunt Janet my Grandma has had a really hard time dealing with his passing.  You never think your kids are going to die before you she tells me all the time.  Well one of my cousins was at a art show and saw this painting and she couldn't believe how much it looked like my Uncle.  He was the concert master for a orchestra here locally and the artists wife was a photographer for the orchestra.  She took a picture of my uncle and he liked it so much he decided to paint it.  So they (my aunts and Uncles) helped buy this beautiful painting of Dan for my Grandma.  The artist had no idea who Dan was, that he had died or that he had family around here.  The whole thing is amazing.  Above is a picture of all my Aunts and Uncles (except my one Aunt on a mission in Europe) and the wife of my uncle who died.  

Here is the painting- the artist really caught how Dan looked while he played.  I wish he could have taught my  kids violin.  I would have loved that!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Rodeo time!

It was the County Rodeo and fair this last weekend and I have been looking forward to going for a long time.  Bryan and I went on our second date to this same rodeo and it was after that date I started to have feelings for him.  Obviously he had a good impression on me. =) He had told himself if I didn't seem interested in him after that date he would quit asking me out. Good thing I had woken up and decided it was ok to like him.  To me that date was the beginning of our lives together and that is why the rodeo means something to me.  And I'm a girl who is sentimental.  Sadly we have only been one other time to the rodeo since that date and that was when Ty was like 8 months old.  I'm not really sure why we haven't been since but I always want to go.  The weather looked bad so we almost didn't go but decided to tuff it out.  Our boys LOVED it!  Blake sat on our lap for two hours!  We didn't stay til the very end (the best part) but the boys were getting really tired.  I hope we can go again next year.  What a fun time.  We met up with Bryan's sister Jenny and her kids too. 
My niece and nephew with us at the rodeo.  The boy looks a lot like Bryan did as a child.  Acts a little like him too if you can't tell.  =)  So fun for my kids to sit by them.  

Braden and Ty- Braden let my boys try on his hat and Blake didn't want to give it back to him.  
Last Monday we went up one of the canyons here and took our kids fishing.  Ty liked it but was afraid to touch the fish.  Bryan wasn't very happy with him being scared of a dumb fish.  I guess he has spent too much time with mom and not with dad.  

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bear Lake!

My aunt had a time share condo in Bear Lake so I went with my parents for a few days and Bryan met us for the weekend.  We spent a good amount of time on the beach and we didn't get all that sunburned.  Which for bear lake is a miracle. Heres a few pictures:
Another Aunt of mine met us Saturday with her boat.  We had fun riding around the lake in it.  
The boys loved this until Blake rolled off.  Good thing my mom was right there to pull him out.  Still scare me though! 
What a cool dude!

My camera has this cool function where I can pick out one color I want it to accent.  Here are a couple of cool pictures of my boys.