Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, August 10, 2009

Rodeo time!

It was the County Rodeo and fair this last weekend and I have been looking forward to going for a long time.  Bryan and I went on our second date to this same rodeo and it was after that date I started to have feelings for him.  Obviously he had a good impression on me. =) He had told himself if I didn't seem interested in him after that date he would quit asking me out. Good thing I had woken up and decided it was ok to like him.  To me that date was the beginning of our lives together and that is why the rodeo means something to me.  And I'm a girl who is sentimental.  Sadly we have only been one other time to the rodeo since that date and that was when Ty was like 8 months old.  I'm not really sure why we haven't been since but I always want to go.  The weather looked bad so we almost didn't go but decided to tuff it out.  Our boys LOVED it!  Blake sat on our lap for two hours!  We didn't stay til the very end (the best part) but the boys were getting really tired.  I hope we can go again next year.  What a fun time.  We met up with Bryan's sister Jenny and her kids too. 
My niece and nephew with us at the rodeo.  The boy looks a lot like Bryan did as a child.  Acts a little like him too if you can't tell.  =)  So fun for my kids to sit by them.  

Braden and Ty- Braden let my boys try on his hat and Blake didn't want to give it back to him.  
Last Monday we went up one of the canyons here and took our kids fishing.  Ty liked it but was afraid to touch the fish.  Bryan wasn't very happy with him being scared of a dumb fish.  I guess he has spent too much time with mom and not with dad.  

1 comment:

Brittney said...

How fun to go to the rodeo, I am so impressed that your boys were able to sit for so long!