I have a lot of other pictures I should be posted but that they will have to wait because I have a crazy story. I love to sew and I pieced together this cute table runner a few months ago and decided on Friday to finish it. I have a special quilting foot I use when I want to be able to move the fabric where I want it and I was using it. Tyson was dancing to some song we were playing on the CD player and I was a little distracted and got my finger in the way. It's easy to do when your moving the fabric all around like I was. The needle went right into my finger and got stuck there. Usually the needle comes back up but I can see how going though that much finger makes it stuck. You can see the little prick mark above my finger nail. So I'm screaming and poor Ty is freaking out. He is trying to pull my finger out and I'm yelling at him to go away and not to touch me. I manually roll the needle up but my finger is still stuck to it. I really wasn't sure how I was going to pull it off because it is really stuck on there. So as I'm trying to figure this out I'm sure about 30 seconds has passed and I'm stuck to the dang sewing machine! Of course I'm screaming this whole time. Ty reaches up when I'm not paying attention and pulls my finger off the needle. I honestly don't know how the little guy pulled that hard. At first I was mad at him because that REALLY REALLY hurt but thinking back I don't think I would have had the courage to do it myself. So I run upstairs to the sink and put it under water (which really hurt) and I notice there is blood on the top and bottom of my finger so it had gone all the way though. After a few minutes of calling everyone I could think of I finally got a hold of Bryan because I didn't know what to do. I didn't think it did but looking at the puncher point I had to of gone though my bone. It's right in the middle of my finger. I didn't really realize it before but my finger is a little numb where my band aid at been. I figured it was my band aid that made it feel like that but I must have hit a nerve. I'm sure it will heal and I will be fine. Just a crazy story I wanted to write down before I forgot. So note to self: pay attention while sewing!!! Because looking at a needle stinking out of your finger is not fun, and VERY VERY painful!
Yup, that made me a little sick because I've almost done it a few times myself. I hope it's feeling better and heals quickly. Did you finish the runner?
OUCH!!!! You poor thing! Hope it heals quickly. Makes me sick just thinking about it.
OH MY GOSH. That is so freaky and sicknast! I guarantee I could never have pulled my finger off the needle. I had to pull a huge staple out once, and just doing that made me almost pass out. I'm so sorry that happened to you! I'd still be screaming! AAAA!
So I am a sissy when I read your blog title my stomach got queasy so i read your last line and figured out the story. And ohhh girl that really sucks! But you have inspired me to be on my toes or should I say my finger tips when sewing!
Aaaaaaaa! I would not have handled that very well. I'm glad you survived.
wahhh!!!!! I am always scared I'll do that. good luck with a sore finger.
You should show me the runner you made. I didn't know you sewed. I can't even sew straight let alone using something to make it go everywhere. I am so jealous that you are so homey. I got a brand new sewing machine and still haven't learned how to use it. Sorry about your finger. Ouch!
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