Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bear Lake!

My aunt had a time share condo in Bear Lake so I went with my parents for a few days and Bryan met us for the weekend.  We spent a good amount of time on the beach and we didn't get all that sunburned.  Which for bear lake is a miracle. Heres a few pictures:
Another Aunt of mine met us Saturday with her boat.  We had fun riding around the lake in it.  
The boys loved this until Blake rolled off.  Good thing my mom was right there to pull him out.  Still scare me though! 
What a cool dude!

My camera has this cool function where I can pick out one color I want it to accent.  Here are a couple of cool pictures of my boys.  


Anonymous said...

Fun! We haven't been to Bear Lake this year yet... hopefully before the summer ends we'll make it over there!

I meant to tell you on your last post how much I LOVE the pictures you took at Jackson Hole. I especially love the one where you put the camera on the ground--it turned out awesome!

Curtis and Deedra said...

I love your family picture! I've only been to Bear Lake once in my life and that was back in 1992 for a family reunion. I remember the lake being really clear and being able to walk out a long ways before it got deep. It was a beautiful lake.

Brittney said...

I love those pics! And you have always been great at taking photos! So good work. Bear lake sounds so fun, we keep meaning to go this year but we never quite make it, maybe one of these times......

How scary that Blake rolled out- thank goodness for your mom!

Aimee said...

Love your pics Heather!

Camey said...

SO jealous! Who has the boat?