Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's Autumn time!

So I was out in the yard with the boys and pulled my camera out and got these:

I know that I don't have some of Tyson here but he wouldn't pose for me at all.  So know that I tried.  They look kind of bad- my camera battery was about to die so sorry about that.  

So last Sunday Bryan told Blake if he went potty (he isn't quite two yet) that he would give him a toy gun.  This kid is NUTTY about guns.  He carries one wherever he goes.  He wakes up telling me "I shoot the bucks!" He is his fathers son.  So you can tell by the picture that he was able to deliver on his deal to Bryan and he did in fact go potty- a week later I've been able to have him go one more time that's it. I'm not ready to potty train again. If he is really interested I'll push it- if not there's no way I'm ready to have another year of potty training like I did with Ty.  
Well my garden is finally starting to die- I hate to stay I'm happy about that but I am. Bryan was asking me the other day if I thought it was worth it to have a garden with all the time it takes. If time was money is worth just buying that stuff in the store but my time isn't money- and I enjoy a garden so to me it's worth it.  I've grown raspberries, strawberries, lettuce, spinach, peas, small and large pumpkins, onions, potatoes and beans.  I've learned a lot from my experiences from this and last summer so next year my garden should be even better!  I have worked really hard in my flower beds as well this summer and people comment on them all the time.  I would post a picture but I don't think it's wise to post a picture of the front of my house. So I guess you will just have to take my word for it.  The picture above is Tyson's pumpkin- he claimed it months ago.  

Last Sunday we decided to go hike the deer fence again.  Both boys had to bring there guns- oh well.  I always tell him you can only shoot birds (which to them is crows and magpies, I hate those things) and Deer.  One girl saw Ty holding his gun and asked if it was real.  Yeah, I would let a three year old carry around a real gun like that.  It would be too heavy for him to hold anyway.  Come on- it looks fake.  

My boys.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Girls night out

In  my husbands family 4 out of the 5 husbands are really into hunting.  Three especially.  So us girls get left behind all the time while the guys get out to hunt and scout for deer and on and on.  I am glad they have something they can do together where they are exercising and spending time with their family. Us girls talk all the time about how we need to get out, without kids, and do something fun.  So for my mother in laws birthday we bought her a ticket to Time out for Women (a Deseret book thing) and all of us got tickets for ourselves.  So the men stayed home and watched our kids and we all got out and spent the evening listen to speakers and performers singing their music.  I really enjoyed it.  Here are a couple of pictures:

It goes my mother in law- Bryans two sisters, me then my sister in laws.  They are really like my sisters.  I'm so glad we can be good friends.  Even though Katie is moving to Idaho soon.... ::Tear:: but we can still see each other. 

Saturday, September 19, 2009


We celebrated Bryan's birthday Sunday at his mom's house with cake.  Here is Sannette and Blake helping blow out the candles.  We always have to light them a few times so all the kids can help blow them out.  It's been years since Bryan and I have had to blow out our own candles.
We surprised Bryan at work with donuts and balloons for this birthday. 
The boys liked helping unwrap all the gifts.  
My niece had her 3rd birthday.  All she wanted was a Elmo cake.  No one loves their birthday like Laycee!
This cupcake had a B on it so we gave it to Blake. 
My boys and the cute neighbor boy did zucchini boats again. They love it! I love these pictures of Blake with the boat.  His is almost the size of him.  What a cutie. 

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Husband is getting old...

Happy Birthday Bryan!  Here are some baby pictures and pictures of birthdays I found of him on my computer.  I have some more recent ones of the last few years but those aren't as fun to look at.  We love you!

This year he is going to be at work and school all day so I don't even know if we will see him. I hope you have a wonderful birthday sweetheart!  

My son- the hunter

Bryan, his brother and his two boys, and their friend with his boy all went camping and to hunt  a little bit.  Ty still hasn't stopped talking about it. 
Ty, his cousins, Dave and his son Michael with their kill.  This is the first of what will be I'm sure many pictures I have of Ty with a dead animal.  
While the men were dealing with the meat the boys built a TP.  Ty is holding his bunny that is sort of his lovey toy.  He told me this weekend that his name is coconut.  I don't even know where he came up with that.  
Enjoying the really cold weather around the campfire.  
The boys with Grandma Palmer for her birthday. 
My mother in law had a birthday last week and those of us who could showed up at her work to surprise her.  

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Preschool and Peaches

My baby is all grown up and starting preschool!  Here are some pictures before the first day with his backpack.  He was so excited!

For some reason he did a rocker look for this picture.  I'm doing a joy school with some friends of mine so he knows all the kids and the moms teaching it.  He ran right into my friends house that did the first day without looking back.  When I picked him up he was mad at me saying "you left me mom!  Don't leave me!" I guess he never said that during school and besides being antsy in his seat and not being able to hold still he was fine.  I think he had a false sense of what preschool was. He thought he would be able to do what he want and play the whole time. I'm sure taking him tomorrow he will be fine!  What an exciting time for Tyson to be starting school!  What a big kid!
I have done 6 batches of peaches (42 jars) over the past few days.  It makes me feel like I'm really helping my family out as weird as it sounds.  Glad I'm done!  Now on to pears! 

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Birthday time

So I had my birthday the other day.  I always have this huge thing birthdays should be like in my mind.  Maybe it was because my mom only had two kids but she tried to make our birthdays a big deal.  We didn't get lot of expensive presents and we didn't have big parties all the time but she made it a point to make us feel special on our birthday.  Since moving away from home I have always known my birthday would be different.  You can't expect your roommates to make a huge deal of your birthday but mine usually did something fun for me.  Well not all of them but most of them.  Since becoming a mother I have tried to do the same thing with my boys as best I can.  So when it's my birthday I build up this big thing that it should be in my mind.  Poor Bryan has this HUGE expatiation to meet and try as he may in the past I was some years disappointed.  This year I realized something during my birthday.  The poor guy is busting his brains out to help me have a great birthday and I was being hard on him for it. Guys can't read minds so if I want him to help me with dishes I just need to ask  him, nicely.  So for what it's worth Bryan you are a WONDERFUL husband and you helped me have a fantastic birthday.  Thank you for all of your thought you put into it this year and in the past. He spoiled me this year with some beautiful bar stools!  I would have never thought of that but every time I walk into my kitchen I smile because it's made my whole kitchen/living room area beautiful!  My parents bought me a vacuum and some medal shelves for my storage room.  I put together myself by the way.  Yeah I'm pretty proud of that. Since my birthday was a Sunday Bryan and I went out to eat the night before just the two of us.  We need to do that more often.  It reminds me why I married him in the first place.  I love spending time with him.  All in all a great birthday!