Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's Autumn time!

So I was out in the yard with the boys and pulled my camera out and got these:

I know that I don't have some of Tyson here but he wouldn't pose for me at all.  So know that I tried.  They look kind of bad- my camera battery was about to die so sorry about that.  

So last Sunday Bryan told Blake if he went potty (he isn't quite two yet) that he would give him a toy gun.  This kid is NUTTY about guns.  He carries one wherever he goes.  He wakes up telling me "I shoot the bucks!" He is his fathers son.  So you can tell by the picture that he was able to deliver on his deal to Bryan and he did in fact go potty- a week later I've been able to have him go one more time that's it. I'm not ready to potty train again. If he is really interested I'll push it- if not there's no way I'm ready to have another year of potty training like I did with Ty.  
Well my garden is finally starting to die- I hate to stay I'm happy about that but I am. Bryan was asking me the other day if I thought it was worth it to have a garden with all the time it takes. If time was money is worth just buying that stuff in the store but my time isn't money- and I enjoy a garden so to me it's worth it.  I've grown raspberries, strawberries, lettuce, spinach, peas, small and large pumpkins, onions, potatoes and beans.  I've learned a lot from my experiences from this and last summer so next year my garden should be even better!  I have worked really hard in my flower beds as well this summer and people comment on them all the time.  I would post a picture but I don't think it's wise to post a picture of the front of my house. So I guess you will just have to take my word for it.  The picture above is Tyson's pumpkin- he claimed it months ago.  

Last Sunday we decided to go hike the deer fence again.  Both boys had to bring there guns- oh well.  I always tell him you can only shoot birds (which to them is crows and magpies, I hate those things) and Deer.  One girl saw Ty holding his gun and asked if it was real.  Yeah, I would let a three year old carry around a real gun like that.  It would be too heavy for him to hold anyway.  Come on- it looks fake.  

My boys.


heather and fam said...

I can attest to your beautiful flower beds! They look sooo good! I can't believe all the stuff you had in your garden too. I'm way impressed!

The things kids will do for toys (ie guns). Although my Maecee is so stubborn. She is fully potty trained but WILL NOT go at her preschool. I told her if she would go on the potty at school I would get her a new big girl bike (bribery, bad I know!), but she WONT GO! Stubborn!

Oh I'm also glad you got to go to Time out for Women. I wanted to go but wasn't able to, darn it.

Well have a great Autumn day!

Camey said...

You are so pretty Heather! I didn't know you have a garden. How neat! I wish we had grown our own pumpkins! We don't have a yard big enough. I think it is fun you enjoy doing that! I love all your pictures as well! Spencer is STILL potty training and has yet to tell me he actually has to go. SO annoying! I hate it!!