So I had my birthday the other day. I always have this huge thing birthdays should be like in my mind. Maybe it was because my mom only had two kids but she tried to make our birthdays a big deal. We didn't get lot of expensive presents and we didn't have big parties all the time but she made it a point to make us feel special on our birthday. Since moving away from home I have always known my birthday would be different. You can't expect your roommates to make a huge deal of your birthday but mine usually did something fun for me. Well not all of them but most of them. Since becoming a mother I have tried to do the same thing with my

boys as best I can. So when it's my birthday I build up this big thing that it should be in my mind. Poor Bryan has this HUGE expatiation to meet and try as he may in the past I was some years disappointed. This year I realized something during my birthday. The poor guy is busting his brains out to help me have a great birthday and I was being hard on him for it. Guys can't read minds so if I want him to help me with dishes I just need to ask him, nicely. So for what it's worth Bryan you are a WONDERFUL husband and you helped me have a fantastic birthday. Thank you for all of your thought you put into it this year and in the past. He spoiled me this year with some beautiful bar stools! I would have never thought of that but every time I walk into my kitchen

I smile because it's made my whole kitchen/living room area beautiful! My parents bought me a vacuum and some medal shelves for my storage room. I put together myself by the way. Yeah I'm pretty proud of that. Since my birthday was a Sunday Bryan and I went out to eat the night before just the two of us. We need to do that more often. It reminds me why I married him in the first place. I love spending time with him. All in all a great birthday!
Glad you had a great birthday. I know what you mean, sometimes I expect too much from my husband for my birthday or any special occasion for that matter. And the year that I don't expect anything and don't really care either way is the year that he goes all out and surprises me. And not just once.
I can't wait to go on more dates with my hubby. I love the feeling I get when I feel like we are dating like we were before kids and marriage.
So glad you had a good birthday. And I need to come see these new barstools and possibly your house! I have not seen your house yet! I know what you mean about having expectations in our minds and husbands trying in their own way. You are so right that we have to just come out and tell them what we expect. Smart!
Oh my! We are so much alike. I have had the same problem with Clif because my parents always made it a big deal and he would sometimes even forget to tell me happy birthday before he left to work. Anyhow, it has been a hard thing because I always make his special or at least try. It looks like you had a lot of fun and you look so pretty. Your hair is so long!!
I am the opposite. my mom was always good at making it big, and gave us a wonerful day, but for some reason I grew up not feeling the need for huge holidays. and because things are never as they should be, Andy is great at gift giving. he seems to always know what I want even if I don't, and he is even quite sentimental sometimes. it was a suprise to me at first because he is so quiet I guess he is just observant. it is great that you have a husband who tries that is good of him.
Your hair would look so cute like that!! You have the face for it way more than I do. I just like it causes it is easy to maintain. The playgroup is actually not an adult conversation thing. We drop them off and pick them up and take turns hosting it. However, I love the break and it is really good for him. Clif is just working crazy overtime, which the money is needed, so that is good, but I miss him!!
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