Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Girls night out

In  my husbands family 4 out of the 5 husbands are really into hunting.  Three especially.  So us girls get left behind all the time while the guys get out to hunt and scout for deer and on and on.  I am glad they have something they can do together where they are exercising and spending time with their family. Us girls talk all the time about how we need to get out, without kids, and do something fun.  So for my mother in laws birthday we bought her a ticket to Time out for Women (a Deseret book thing) and all of us got tickets for ourselves.  So the men stayed home and watched our kids and we all got out and spent the evening listen to speakers and performers singing their music.  I really enjoyed it.  Here are a couple of pictures:

It goes my mother in law- Bryans two sisters, me then my sister in laws.  They are really like my sisters.  I'm so glad we can be good friends.  Even though Katie is moving to Idaho soon.... ::Tear:: but we can still see each other. 


Camey said...

I wanted to go to that SO bad! How was it? You look so stinking cute! So not fair!

Brittney said...

How fun! I am so jealous! And so glad you got to go and do some girl time and get spiritually recharged! Good for you. How fun for you to have good sisters in law and to do fun things!

Meikjn said...

that is so cool. I really miss family :(