Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, October 26, 2009

Deer Widow Weekend

So I was a widow for only a shot time last week! Hooray! Bryan got a nice buck opening morning just minutes after first light. Some people below him scared it up to them. He was hoping for a bigger deer but is happy with this one. It's a 24 in 5X5 for anyone who cares. We are having it made into jerky as we speak. It was nice to have him home for the week that he had off for the hunt too. I needed his help because I'm having some heath problems that I'll get into in a later post when I know more.

He did get to go up a few times with his brother hunting. We did a European mount where you boil the deer in a big pot. So gross. At least this year he did it in the back yard instead of the front. I know were red necks but I hate to look like it! I'm proud of you Bryan! All of your running to get in shape and hiking all summer paid off!

Bryan and his brother Cory.
Cory and our kids with the deer head. My boys loved the dang thing. So gross.
Bryan and his brothers- this is how his head turned out after we boiled it. At least it doesn't stink this way! That is Joe's baby James with them. Oh he is so cute!


Brittney said...

Congrats on the deer! And boiling sounds gross- well the whole thing sounds gross, but if it makes the head smell less then I would totally do it too! But I bet it is nice to have the jerky!

Heather sorry to hear you are having health problems! What is going on? You ok? I will anxiously be awaiting to hear!

blair and maisy said...

Congrats on the buck. My dad would be jealous. I hope you feeling better Heather!