I'm back! My stupid internet has been down for almost two weeks and I've been going nuts. I wanted to post a lot on my baby's 2nd birthday and this is the first time I've been able to do it. I have lots more to post but won't be able to today. So here we go!

My mom with me and my boys.

My cute boy. Oh I love him!

I just thought this photo of Blake and Bryan was sweet.

Our family- Tyson is already starting to pull faces. Nice.
we have had tons of computer problems too. we ended up buying a new (used) one, so now I have no files, at least for a while arrgggghhh. I think it is so nice you live so close to family. I am a little jellous.
Love the face pulling! Blake is getting so big! I can't hardly believe mine are getting so old, let alone anyone else's! Sorry to hear your internet was down but glad you are back in blogging world! Welcome back!
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