Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, October 29, 2009

You're never too young for Heart Problems

I've put off writing about this for a week thinking I would know more before I freak people out but I still know nothing. I need to write it down and explain me weird posts on facebook and such so here it is. Also this is my journal so to speak so sorry it's kind of wordy.
Ever since I've had Blake every once in awhile when I go up stairs or take the boys on a walk it wares me out. I'll be out of breath just going up the stairs. I've always chalked it up to being out of shape and maybe that is still the reason I don't know. But last August I started really feeling funny. One weekend I was really dizzy and sick feeling and I checked my BP (blood pressure) and it was a little high. Regular BP is 120/80 and my bottom number was 89. I have BP problems at the end of pregnancy so I knew enough that it was a little high but not enough to run to a dr. Starting about three weeks ago I started noticing my heart beating weird. Then two weeks ago I was watching TV and was laying down and my heart started to REALLY beat funny. Two beats would be normal then a couple would just pound then they would be normal again then pund. Bryan was asleep in the other room and I was so scared I almost woke him up but when I turned to my back it wasn't so bad. Then I went back to my side and it started doing it again. The rest of the night I slept on my right side or my back because my heart would freak out if I was on my left. Still can't figure that one out!
For the next 5-6 days after that I would notice weird things with my heart- mostly that doing anything would get it beating fast. I could feel it beating sort a funny every once in awhile and it really worried me but I didn't want to go to the Dr. In my life (other then anything to do with pregnancy) I have only been to the dr. twice I can think of. Once in jr. high for really bad strep throat and once when I was first married with the flu. So going to the dr. is a big deal so I put of off. I woke up Thursday feeling really dizzy and sick so when I went to Maceys shopping I decided to take my BP. I was 144/97 - like I said normal is 120/80 and 90+ is bad and 100+ is stroke level. Lovely. So I picked Ty up from preschool and sat at home trying to figure out what I was going to do. I was scared that if it got any higher I would have a stroke or seizure home alone with my boys. I still do, what would happen to me or them if that happened?? I finally broke down and called a Dr's office nearby and they had me come in right away. Bryan had the week off for the deer hunt and had just come back from hunting with his brother so I could leave. I sat there at the office for about 15 minutes then they took me back to do my weight, hight, BP. I couldn't believe it. My BP was 155/110. 110!! The nurse looked funny after she took it so I asked her what it was and when she told me I was like "holy crap! Good thing I'm here and not at home" meaning I was worried I would have a stroke at home, at least at the office they could help me I figured. So the Dr. came into see me and he listened to my heartbeat and could hear a irregular rhythm. It would be normal then sneak a extra quick beat in there. So here ordered a EKG- and the nurse was like have you had one of these before and I told her I haven't had a stitch or a broken arm in my life let alone heart problems. When she was hooking me up to it I was laying on the table exposed for the world to see and I kept thinking about saying something funny about how she hasn't seen a women with a chest this flat since she did this on a 11 year old or something but I was too nervous. I was worried it would come out wrong or something.
Although the actual test is totally painless and not a big deal when the nurse would leave the room I would start to cry. I just kept thinking about all the bad things that could be wrong with me and I thought about how my boys would handle all of this. Then I thought about if I had life threatening heart problems and how they would never remember me as their mom and all of those horrible things to have to think about. I would compose myself then she would come back in to do a little more with the test then leave again and I would cry. Then when they were done and I was waiting for the dr. I cried. The EKG showed that I had a extra wave called a U wave. I don't know much about that but he was worried about it. So he ordered a Holter monitor for me to wear for 24 hours I would get from a heart dr. and they did some more blood work. I guess a lot of times the U wave shows up when you have a potassium deficiency but my blood work came back normal. They checked for protein and that was normal which could be a kidney problem I guess. Then they check my thyroid and it seems normal. I just had the Holter monitor Tuesday to Wednesday and that was loads of fun. It wasn't too bad but it must be made for a big person because I had wires I had to stick down my pants so they wouldn't be showing everywhere. It had six probes on it and the monitor that was around my waist. I would push a button when I felt my heart being weird and record it in a journal. I'll post a picture of it- don't worry it's just my tummy. If you don't want to see a very white stomach then don't look at the picture. When I was in the waiting room to get it on I'm sitting there with all these 80-90 year old people. It was kind of a odd feeling for me. That's when I thought I would have these sort of problems, not at 26.
So today I am feeling VERY tired and I get lots of headaches. I just picked up the big room in my basement and I'm still a little winded 20 minutes later. I get a burning in my chest almost like when you run really hard and your lungs burn but not quite that strong. Not sure how else to explain that. I get pain in my chest too and sometimes when I'm just sitting reading a book to my boys it gets my heart thumping. Weird. All weird. So I hope and pray whatever is wrong with me is a quick fix. I really have no idea what's wrong. My blood pressure has been down back to normal for a few days and I do have more energy then I did a couple of days ago but I'm feeling worse today then I did yesterday so I don't know. No one knows! But if you are religious at all say a little prayer for me and I keep you posted. I'll be honest with you- I'm scared.

This is more skin then you ever thought you would see from me. =) sorry! Try sleeping with this thing on!


Meikjn said...

I will pray for you. I am sorry. Andy has a crazy history with his heart, so he has to get EKG's every time he goet to any doctor. I hope it is easy to fix. good luck.

Camey said...

Heather, I am SO sorry! I will make sure I pray for you. We are coming this weekend. I am staying an extra day so I can go to the doctor so before I head out on Monday I could come over and the kids could play? What do you think. BTW- your stomach is tiny. I wish I was that small! I may stop trying to for a few we may be back together again!

Roxie said...

Heather! oh my heck I thought your back problems were this! We will definatley keep you in our prayers, Im sure you will come to a conclusion to whats going on soon, dont worry with technology the way it is now youll be as good as new in no ya and let me know if you ever need anything SERIOUSLY im like 5 min away!

Brittney said...

Holy cow Heather that is so scarey! I totally will be praying for you! I would be just like you thinking of every possible bad situation. And just thinking about my boys not knowing me really gets me going so I understand that. Well I really hope you can figure out what it is. Let me know if you need anything!

Anonymous said...

Oh Heather, I'm sorry. Please let me know if I can do anything to help you.

Emily + Eric said...

Heather! Hello?! I am the heart monitor queen! We seriously need to talk. You need to call your visiting teacher when things like this happen. You're in big trouble for not asking her for help.

Curtis and Deedra said...

I wish I lived closer so I could come visit you but you'll definitely be in my prayers. Unfortunately you're not the first of my friends that I grew up with that is having a heart problem. It's scary just to think about. If you haven't had a priesthood blessing yet I would definitely recommend it.

Kandace said...

Honey, MAN oh MAN that SUCKS! I appreciate the picture however. Way to document! And without wanting to detract from the severity of the've got the stomach of an 18 year old who's never gained a pound in her life let alone had 2 babies! Teach me how yoda. Teach me how. I LOVE YOU!!!!!