Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, November 30, 2009

My best friend/cousins Wedding

I'm way behind again- I have Thanksgiving and getting christmas trees to post but this is all I have time for. Growing up the cousin I was the closest too was always my cousin Kandace. I have a ton of other cousins that are like sisters and brothers to me but for as long as I can remember we have been the best of friends. Even in college my group of friends was 99.9% of the time her group of friends. She got married on the 19th of November to the best guy and I couldn't be happier for her. I have never been in a sealing room that was so full. It was great! Bryan came to the wedding then had to head back home to work and school. I have never seen her so happy. I swear if you poked her with a pin she would have popped- she was just bursting with happiness. And she was BEAUTIFUL! Love you Kandy- so happy you can start this new chapter in your life!

My favorite girls in the world- Caitlin, Kandace, Emily and me after Kandy's wedding. All my cousins and my best friends.

Waiting for Kandace to come out of the temple- so fun to be in the temple with my family.
Kandace, her hubby Chad and her family.
LOVED her bouquet! A little close up during their family pictures.
Kandace, her sisters and sister in law Brittney. Brit was my roommate when she was dating Kandaces brother so we are all good friends.
A quick picture of us at her reception. It was a real PARTY- tons of dancing and fun food. They had a lot of people come.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ugh- Winter

I don't mind winter except I get really stir crazy being inside all day for days on end- then there is the illness. UGH! We already have had quite a time dealing with the swine flu and my mono- which still makes me feel like crap. I am so tired as soon as I get up and some days it's so bad I could lay down anywhere and take a nap if I wanted to. Tyson thinks it's fun to ask me 50 questions when I try to take a little nap somedays. The joys of children. But at least this year my boys are old enough to go play in the snow with me and we have grass instead of dirt under the snow.
This is my cute nephew Luke who is only a few months younger then Blake. They just moved last weekend and I'm trying not to think about it too much. I did a lot with Katie (my sis in law) and I don't know what I'm going to do now she is gone. I need to have more friends I guess. I bet I would call her every other day and talk for a half hour at least. I better get long distance.
One of our first snow storm. I volunteered Daddy to play with him. What a good mom I am.
Bryan was coming off old main hill from school and slipped in the snow... I would have paid big bucks to see that! So I at least had to get a picture.
My boys "enjoying" the snow. Blake HATED it. I hope one day when he isn't so tired he will like it better. Ty loved it. We made a snowman:
Well I made it. Ty didn't want to help, just pose with it. But he did help put the rocks on this face.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My weird husband and dr.'s appointments

My husband is the culprit of the post below as most of you guessed. I better change my password... and the sad thing is I was all touched that he signed it Heather Palmer- the women of Bryan's dreams and he said that was sort of a type O he was trying to say something else. Oh well I can pretend that's what he ment!

A little update on my health problems. I've had all sorts of test lately- blood tests, ultrasounds, EKG's and today a echocardiogram. The most they have come up with was some dr's think it's because I have Mono (which the heart dr. said he thinks I had it before and not now because It doesn't look like I have it) and I for sure am feeling the palapations (sp?) which is the early heart beat I'm feeling. The Holtor monitor showed that I recorded when it was doing it so I do feel them. What it does is fill my heart up with too much blood and it had to add more pressure to push it out and that is what I'm feeling. Sometimes my body does this little cough (which Bryan has always teased me as my fake cough) to push the extra blood out. They don't know why my heart is doing it but it isn't doing it enough to worry about it. They say it's usually from drinking caffeine (which I don't) or stress (which I don't really feel stressed. ) so who knows! I hope I just have a case of mono and it's causing my body to freak out or something. So I think I just wait it out and see how it goes. I can live with the weird heart beat but the being tired all the time sinks.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I just wanted to let everyone know that I love my fetching husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Heather Palmer the Woman of Bryans Dreams!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween fun!

Happy late Halloween! I was so excited for halloween this year because Tyson remembered what it was and he was excited for it. Blake on the other hand HATED getting dressed up- something I have never had a hard time with Ty with. When Ty wore the tigger costume at that age I could never get if off of him. He always had it on. Blake on the other had would thrash around when I tried to put it on. I had to bribe him to wear the hood- I told him people wouldn't give him candy if he didn't have it on and because of his love for candy he was willing to do it. We went to our local grocery store in he morning and they had candy all around the store- we carved our pumpkins then let the boys take a nap. We went to my in laws trunk-or-treat with their ward around 5. That is the way to trick-or-treat with little kids. Blake was so into it! He would go up to the people and in the sweetest little voice would tell them "trick-or-treat" then "tank u" when they gave it to them. So adorable. The nice thing is they had chili too so we got dinner covered at the same time. I went to visit a couple of relatives on the way home and by then it was dark. I really wanted to take the boys to do some real trick-or-treating this year. So I took them to part of my ward (people from my church) to trick-or-treat. Ty was taking forever to walk everywhere and I was finally like Tyson what is wrong with you? And he showed me under his dragon feet that he took his shoes off before we left and I couldn't tell with his costume over them. What a mom I am. We didn't go very long at least and the weather was REALLY nice. All in all a really fun holiday. We got swine flu the next day so I'm thankful it didn't hit us right on Halloween. Here is a bunch of pictures:
Ty feel asleep in his monkey outfit from last year on my bed. Good thing it wasn't his from this year because he peed in it while he was sleeping. The first time in months and months he takes a nap and he pees. Nice.

Went to trick-or-treat at a local sore. Blake already had blue all over his tigger costume.
We had LOTS of pumpkins this year to carve. I grew 13 in our garden this year so we didn't even carve all of them. We had to wait until Halloween day to carve because Bryan has been so busy with school. I'm glad we waited for him- his were the best ones.
Blake didn't help too much... just enough to put a seed in his mouth, turn to me and say "thats gross , gross mom".
This is Tyson's pumpkin he helped me grow in our garden. It was a beast to carve according to Bryan.
Watching daddy carve the pumpkin!
We had a family halloween party with the cousins and my boys had a ball. Here we are doing the doughnut game in our garage. We played a bunch of games inside after too. I thought it was kind of a mess because one of the families got sick at the last minute so I mostly just had little kids and it messed the games up a little bit but no one seemed to care. All I know is my kids had fun so I think I might do it next year.
I really can never get a really good picture of them together. Oh well!
My mom gave us these pumpkin stickers for the boys to use. The got a little excited and ripped them so that's why Tyson's mouth on his is all weird but at least they enjoyed it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Heart update and Swine flu

So a quick update. I hope tomorrow I get around to posting all my cute Halloween pictures! So I got the results of my heart monitor. Every once in awhile my heart adds in a extra beat. In the day it did it 180 times- which sounds like a lot but it's only really 1% of the time. So not TOO concerning but when I went into the dr. today to do some extra blood work and take my BP we decided to send me to the heart dr. for a consolation and check up. The chest pain I'm having is odd so we want to make sure nothing is wrong. That makes me feel better. But I'm still not sure why I'm so tired. He was checking my blood for mono today but I have to say I don't think that's it. I guess it could be but I doubt it. All of my blood work looks good except my bili ruben (sp?) was high. So I'm going in for a ultrasound on my kidneys, liver and gallbladder in a couple of days to see if there is anything wrong there. I don't know much about that except Ty had jaundice really bad as a baby. His eyes were all yellow and stuff and I remember a few months ago Bryan telling me my eyes looked yellow but they really haven't since. So who knows!
So if this all weren't enough I caught a bad cold over the weekend and Sunday night my boys came down with swine flu. Great! I honestly knelt down and prayed that I would be healthy enough to take care of them and not catch it and so far so good. The poor little guys are so worn out. Especially Blake today. He is getting a little bit of croup. Such is life. Swine flu is worse then I thought. Not as bad as the media makes you believe but my kids bearly left the couch yesterday. They are moving around more today but as of now everyone in my house is sleeping but me. I know as soon as I lay down Blake will wake up. I'm just taking it one day at a time.