I'm way behind again- I have Thanksgiving and getting christmas trees to post but this is all I have time for. Growing up the cousin I was the closest too was always my cousin Kandace. I have a ton of other cousins that are like sisters and brothers to me but for as long as I can remember we have been the best of friends. Even in college my group of friends was 99.9% of the time her group of friends. She got married on the 19th of November to the best guy and I couldn't be happier for her. I have never been in a sealing room that was so full. It was great! Bryan came to the wedding then had to head back home to work and school. I have never seen her so happy. I swear if you poked her with a pin she would have popped- she was just bursting with happiness. And she was BEAUTIFUL! Love you Kandy- so happy you can start this new chapter in your life!

My favorite girls in the world- Caitlin, Kandace, Emily and me after Kandy's wedding. All my cousins and my best friends.

Waiting for Kandace to come out of the temple- so fun to be in the temple with my family.

Kandace, her hubby Chad and her family.

LOVED her bouquet! A little close up during their family pictures.

Kandace, her sisters and sister in law Brittney. Brit was my roommate when she was dating Kandaces brother so we are all good friends.

A quick picture of us at her reception. It was a real PARTY- tons of dancing and fun food. They had a lot of people come.
It was a great day! Love the pictures!
Ya! So excited for her too! And I have got to say you have some awesome cousins- especially one in particular! I love the packs and how fun you all are! Yea for your pics! Love ya Heath!
You are the sweetest thing!!! Thanks for capturing those moments for me! Love them! What a good day! I love you Heaz! MWAH!
I'm glad you posted pics of my sis, I couldn't find any!
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