Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ugh- Winter

I don't mind winter except I get really stir crazy being inside all day for days on end- then there is the illness. UGH! We already have had quite a time dealing with the swine flu and my mono- which still makes me feel like crap. I am so tired as soon as I get up and some days it's so bad I could lay down anywhere and take a nap if I wanted to. Tyson thinks it's fun to ask me 50 questions when I try to take a little nap somedays. The joys of children. But at least this year my boys are old enough to go play in the snow with me and we have grass instead of dirt under the snow.
This is my cute nephew Luke who is only a few months younger then Blake. They just moved last weekend and I'm trying not to think about it too much. I did a lot with Katie (my sis in law) and I don't know what I'm going to do now she is gone. I need to have more friends I guess. I bet I would call her every other day and talk for a half hour at least. I better get long distance.
One of our first snow storm. I volunteered Daddy to play with him. What a good mom I am.
Bryan was coming off old main hill from school and slipped in the snow... I would have paid big bucks to see that! So I at least had to get a picture.
My boys "enjoying" the snow. Blake HATED it. I hope one day when he isn't so tired he will like it better. Ty loved it. We made a snowman:
Well I made it. Ty didn't want to help, just pose with it. But he did help put the rocks on this face.


Brittney said...

Cute! I loved the snowman! It is adorable! And I am so sorry your sis in law moved! I hate it when a mom friend moves, it is so hard, us moms need our friends or sisters for sanity! Call Aub, you guys can need each other!

Meikjn said...

I miss family too. (I tell you that all teh time) we have only had soggy snow. it is just rainey. and boring here. I hate bein inside all teh time, but at least the kids stay in one place (sometimes)