Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My weird husband and dr.'s appointments

My husband is the culprit of the post below as most of you guessed. I better change my password... and the sad thing is I was all touched that he signed it Heather Palmer- the women of Bryan's dreams and he said that was sort of a type O he was trying to say something else. Oh well I can pretend that's what he ment!

A little update on my health problems. I've had all sorts of test lately- blood tests, ultrasounds, EKG's and today a echocardiogram. The most they have come up with was some dr's think it's because I have Mono (which the heart dr. said he thinks I had it before and not now because It doesn't look like I have it) and I for sure am feeling the palapations (sp?) which is the early heart beat I'm feeling. The Holtor monitor showed that I recorded when it was doing it so I do feel them. What it does is fill my heart up with too much blood and it had to add more pressure to push it out and that is what I'm feeling. Sometimes my body does this little cough (which Bryan has always teased me as my fake cough) to push the extra blood out. They don't know why my heart is doing it but it isn't doing it enough to worry about it. They say it's usually from drinking caffeine (which I don't) or stress (which I don't really feel stressed. ) so who knows! I hope I just have a case of mono and it's causing my body to freak out or something. So I think I just wait it out and see how it goes. I can live with the weird heart beat but the being tired all the time sinks.

1 comment:

Meikjn said...

haha I love it husbands are funny.
good luck with that.... I hope it solves itself. hearts are pretty tough I think. I am soooo tired too I hate it as well.