Nice Blake. I acutally think this picture is really funny.

Ty had a ruff time on his birthday this year. As I said in the post before this one he was pretty sick for his birthday and continued to throw up the next day as well. I finally took him into the dr. because he had been throwing up for three straight days and he pretty much told me don't let him get dehydrated. That was worth my 30 dollar copay. But since then he has been doing much better until now where he is pretty much back to normal. All except that he is SOOOO skinny now. He is all skin and bones. Grandma and Grandpa Palmer came over the day of his birthday so we could have some cake and I spent all afternoon making a

tractor cake. I am not very good at cake decorating but this one turned out pretty good! I was going to make it for his birthday party that I had already rescheduled for the next day but he threw up again that evening so I postponed the party AGAIN. I'm sure the poor moms wanted to kill me at that point. It was almost a week after I had originally planned the party we finally had it. More pictures of that to come.

So the first day I finally got him to keep a little bit of food down
he was watching a movie and started to cry about how his feet hurt.
When I looked at them they were covered in this weird
rash that looked like hives so I put some anti itch cream on it and his socks and he calmed down but it took awhile.
Then like 10 minutes later
he started to cry about his hands and they looked the same way but his feet were starting to look better. They really got bad only
when he itched them.

So I get on the phone with the dr. office again to ask what
to do and after speaking with my dr. they said it was common to get a rash with a viral infection like he had. I posted a picture below so you could see how awful it looked. It only lasted about 15 minutes really bad then got better.
The day before Ty's birthday Bryan and I went down to a Utah Jazz basketball game for a late anniversary present and my mom and dad watched my boys. Ty was throwing up that day so I felt bad leaving him but he had so much fun at their house at least. We were hoping to get some good tickets but with them playing a good team (Denver) we ended up sitting in the nose bleeds for 40$ a pop. For me the worst of it was I have been fighting a BAD cold or infection or something and I woke up that morning with my eyes sealed shut and they were really really red and sore. So
LET THIS BE YOUR WARNING the picture of me below looks TERRIBLE and I am very well aware of how it looks like I have spent the whole day crying. I'm not sure what happen with them. I'm guessing my cold moved into my eyes a little bit or something. Although after watching the Jazz play no better then the Aggies and loose to Denver I could have cried. I did have a great time with Bryan and it was fun to get out with just him so to me it was well worth going.

This picture doesn't even do it justice. The poor kid was in a lot of pain.

Go Jazz! This was well before the game started but you can tell how high we were. At least no one sat in the seats next to me so we had space.

At least the freak next to me draws much of the attention away from me. The only reason I post it is because I have little to no pictures of us together without kids.