Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, January 22, 2010

Blah, January.

I hate January. I think I've told you that before but I really do hate it. This year for some reason hasn't gotten to my head as bad. I'm guessing it's because my boys are getting older and can play a lot better with out me being right there all the time. And Ty going to preschool helps but to me January is the hardest month of the year. It's always really cold, we are always sick, and you can't play outside. I get cabin fever really bad. February is bad but at least there is Valentines day in the middle of it all and it's a short month. So the reason I say this is because we are almost out of the month of January!! Yea!!! We haven't done much this month due to so much illness (don't worry to those who have seen me the last week or two, we have been doing MUCH better) but here are a few favorite pictures from the last week:

My mom got Tyson a shirt and tie for Christmas and he looks SOOO cute in it. He finally started primary (he was 4 his first day dang January birthday) and he sits there so cute with his arms folded and all. I sit behind him with my class and it's hard not to be the one to tell him to sit down and be good. I don't like to step on his teachers toes because she is amazing. I'm glad Ty is in her class. He feels like such a big boy looking like dad at church.

By FAR Blakes favorite palace to eat is Fredricos- a pizza place. We picked Bryan up between studying and took him to lunch. I'm not sure why Blake loves it so much but he does.

My parents got my boys a sled for Christmas and we had yet to really use it. It was either -5 outside or the boys or me were sick. Bryan took Ty down the local colleges hill but the snow was pretty much ice so they really sped down the hill. It scared Ty a little bit but he did it twice. I do have video but my internet is too slow to post it... sorry! Maybe someday when I'm not so cheep and will pay the extra money for high speed.

I loved how cute they looked walking up the hill together. I'm glad my hubby loves to do things like this with my boys.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Birthday Party!

So finally after it being cancelled twice we were able to do Ty's 4th birthday party. I was ready to just forget about the whole thing and I realized people had bought him a present and I felt bad. Besides I knew Ty would love it. I had the house decorated, again, and we were ready to go!
I filled a room in our basement used for storage with about 100 balloons. I had prizes on the floor they had to find. I decided to send in small groups at a time because I was worried 10kids in a tiny room would be too much. They loved it!
The group. All but one are in the Joy school we do which made the whole thing easier on me I think. I know about how long to make things go and how many games about to plan. They knew me and my house too so they were really good.
You always have to have a funny face group picture.

Here are a few pictures of some of the games we played:
The keep the balloon up in the air game. They loved that.
They loved all the balloons.
For a time filler I pulled out my favorite bubbles in the whole wide world. They are from Gymboree and they are the best thing ever. I told them to catch the bubble on their nose.
We were playing a game where we popped balloons and she thought it was too noisy. She went over to the wall and covered her ears. It was just too cute with those sunglasses!
Musical Chairs. They were so funny because they had to run around the chairs instead of walking.
We played a game where you had to herd the "cows" (balloons with spots on them) into the corner. I was worried how it would work out but the kids would chant for the other kids and they thought it was great.

Ty loved the party. We also played pin the tire on the tractor, they decorated bandanas so they could be farmers, and the floor pinata game with the balloons. I thought with all the mess this party was I wouldn't do it again for awhile but after it was over and Tyson loved it so much I would do it again. It helped the kids were SOOO good and the games worked out really well. Also my Aunt Roxey helped me out. I needed another set of hands and she was so helpful. Thanks Rox!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

You know it's cold when....

Your hair freezes like this when you go running. I'm not sure running when it's below zero is the best idea...
Look at his eye lashes! (Notice the jacket Heather? He wears this all the time!)
The one snow storm where Bryan has been able to use his snowblower. Note to the neighbors: don't plow our sidewalks because Bryan gets upset. He wan't to be the one who does it. And I'm really not kidding. What a nerd.
We went out with Bryan's siblings for the first time ever with out kids during Christmas break. Actually it was our anniversary. Anyway here is a picture of everyone. Not sure why Bryan's sister Jenny is hiding but she is the only one you can't see.
New Years Eve the boys in Bryan's family took their own boys who were old enough hunting out in Park Valley Ut. They shot at some things but missed everything. Ty still loved it. It was so cold the grass as frost on it in this picture.
Ty was a little tired after being woken up at 6 am. Poor Jake had to take the brunt of it!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Jazz game and the birthday boy!

Nice Blake. I acutally think this picture is really funny.

Ty had a ruff time on his birthday this year. As I said in the post before this one he was pretty sick for his birthday and continued to throw up the next day as well. I finally took him into the dr. because he had been throwing up for three straight days and he pretty much told me don't let him get dehydrated. That was worth my 30 dollar copay. But since then he has been doing much better until now where he is pretty much back to normal. All except that he is SOOOO skinny now. He is all skin and bones. Grandma and Grandpa Palmer came over the day of his birthday so we could have some cake and I spent all afternoon making a
tractor cake. I am not very good at cake decorating but this one turned out pretty good! I was going to make it for his birthday party that I had already rescheduled for the next day but he threw up again that evening so I postponed the party AGAIN. I'm sure the poor moms wanted to kill me at that point. It was almost a week after I had originally planned the party we finally had it. More pictures of that to come.

So the first day I finally got him to keep a little bit of food down
he was watching a movie and started to cry about how his feet hurt.
When I looked at them they were covered in this weird
rash that looked like hives so I put some anti itch cream on it and his socks and he calmed down but it took awhile.
Then like 10 minutes later
he started to cry about his hands and they looked the same way but his feet were starting to look better. They really got bad only
when he itched them.
So I get on the phone with the dr. office again to ask what
to do and after speaking with my dr. they said it was common to get a rash with a viral infection like he had. I posted a picture below so you could see how awful it looked. It only lasted about 15 minutes really bad then got better.
The day before Ty's birthday Bryan and I went down to a Utah Jazz basketball game for a late anniversary present and my mom and dad watched my boys. Ty was throwing up that day so I felt bad leaving him but he had so much fun at their house at least. We were hoping to get some good tickets but with them playing a good team (Denver) we ended up sitting in the nose bleeds for 40$ a pop. For me the worst of it was I have been fighting a BAD cold or infection or something and I woke up that morning with my eyes sealed shut and they were really really red and sore. So LET THIS BE YOUR WARNING the picture of me below looks TERRIBLE and I am very well aware of how it looks like I have spent the whole day crying. I'm not sure what happen with them. I'm guessing my cold moved into my eyes a little bit or something. Although after watching the Jazz play no better then the Aggies and loose to Denver I could have cried. I did have a great time with Bryan and it was fun to get out with just him so to me it was well worth going.
This picture doesn't even do it justice. The poor kid was in a lot of pain.

Go Jazz! This was well before the game started but you can tell how high we were. At least no one sat in the seats next to me so we had space.



At least the freak next to me draws much of the attention away from me. The only reason I post it is because I have little to no pictures of us together without kids.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Starting off 2010 with a BANG!

Happy Birthday to my sweet boy! I can't believe you are FOUR!!

Wasn't he the cutest baby EVER???

We have been having a hard time the last few weeks around here. We have had a horrible cold for weeks and weeks. I started with one, then Tyson. His included a fever which mine didn't but he was sick for a good 4-5 days with on and off mild fever then the cough set in. Both my boys would be up half the night coughing all the time. Then my cold got better and his hung on. Blake caught it then Bryan caught it then I caught their cold (my first one must have been different) and a good week after it hit me again I still feel like crap. Not only that but two days ago I woke up with blood shot red eyes. I'm not sure if the cold went from being in my nose to my eyes or what. I look like I've been crying my eyes out for days and they hurt a lot. I hate it!
Then to top it off we started the year off with a bang. I always feel bad for Ty because most of his birthdays someone in our house is really sick and with Christmas being the week before it kind of gets over looked. I try so hard as a mom to make their birthdays such a fun and memorable day but it's hard! So I planned a birthday party with the kids from his preschool and age at church with a John Deere theme. I spent a lot of time and money to get the right games, prizes and decorations. So we wake up Saturday morning and I start getting the final touches ready. The house is decorated, the cake is almost done, the games are set up and everything is ready. A hour before it was supposed to start Ty says "mom I throweded up." which he has been telling me when he coughs up stuff from his cold. So I went over with a rag to clean it up and he spews all over my feet. I couldn't believe it. He up chucked a few more times in the sink and I knew I would have to postpone his party. I felt so bad. I'm glad he didn't seem to care too much about that because he felt so crapy. He has thrown up 3 more times since then but today he seems to be doing a little better. I hope. He finally is keeping down his food. It was supposed to be his first day of primary and I have a little shirt and tie all ready for him and they were going to sing and give him something for his birthday. So sad. But if all goes right the party will be tomorrow. I'm a little worried who will be next with this in my house.....

Here's to 5 years!

Here's to 5 years Bryan and a eternity to go. I love you!

On the day of our anniversary (last week) we ended up going to dinner with all of Bryan's brothers and sisters and their spouses and parents. I was kind of bummed because we never go out by ourselves but we made plans to go to a Utah Jazz game that weekend so I didn't want to bail on the family. Hey we ended up pretty much spending our honeymoon with them too so why not. (they took the entire family to Disneyland a few days after we got married) I have pictures of both of these still on my camera so they will come later.