Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, January 22, 2010

Blah, January.

I hate January. I think I've told you that before but I really do hate it. This year for some reason hasn't gotten to my head as bad. I'm guessing it's because my boys are getting older and can play a lot better with out me being right there all the time. And Ty going to preschool helps but to me January is the hardest month of the year. It's always really cold, we are always sick, and you can't play outside. I get cabin fever really bad. February is bad but at least there is Valentines day in the middle of it all and it's a short month. So the reason I say this is because we are almost out of the month of January!! Yea!!! We haven't done much this month due to so much illness (don't worry to those who have seen me the last week or two, we have been doing MUCH better) but here are a few favorite pictures from the last week:

My mom got Tyson a shirt and tie for Christmas and he looks SOOO cute in it. He finally started primary (he was 4 his first day dang January birthday) and he sits there so cute with his arms folded and all. I sit behind him with my class and it's hard not to be the one to tell him to sit down and be good. I don't like to step on his teachers toes because she is amazing. I'm glad Ty is in her class. He feels like such a big boy looking like dad at church.

By FAR Blakes favorite palace to eat is Fredricos- a pizza place. We picked Bryan up between studying and took him to lunch. I'm not sure why Blake loves it so much but he does.

My parents got my boys a sled for Christmas and we had yet to really use it. It was either -5 outside or the boys or me were sick. Bryan took Ty down the local colleges hill but the snow was pretty much ice so they really sped down the hill. It scared Ty a little bit but he did it twice. I do have video but my internet is too slow to post it... sorry! Maybe someday when I'm not so cheep and will pay the extra money for high speed.

I loved how cute they looked walking up the hill together. I'm glad my hubby loves to do things like this with my boys.


Rebecca said...

Dealing with single digits here in Ohio!! Wind chill is a killer. I love the photo of father and son walking in the snow. priceless.

blair and maisy said...

Sledding sounds fun! The birthday party looked like a blast in the last post too :)