Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Starting off 2010 with a BANG!

Happy Birthday to my sweet boy! I can't believe you are FOUR!!

Wasn't he the cutest baby EVER???

We have been having a hard time the last few weeks around here. We have had a horrible cold for weeks and weeks. I started with one, then Tyson. His included a fever which mine didn't but he was sick for a good 4-5 days with on and off mild fever then the cough set in. Both my boys would be up half the night coughing all the time. Then my cold got better and his hung on. Blake caught it then Bryan caught it then I caught their cold (my first one must have been different) and a good week after it hit me again I still feel like crap. Not only that but two days ago I woke up with blood shot red eyes. I'm not sure if the cold went from being in my nose to my eyes or what. I look like I've been crying my eyes out for days and they hurt a lot. I hate it!
Then to top it off we started the year off with a bang. I always feel bad for Ty because most of his birthdays someone in our house is really sick and with Christmas being the week before it kind of gets over looked. I try so hard as a mom to make their birthdays such a fun and memorable day but it's hard! So I planned a birthday party with the kids from his preschool and age at church with a John Deere theme. I spent a lot of time and money to get the right games, prizes and decorations. So we wake up Saturday morning and I start getting the final touches ready. The house is decorated, the cake is almost done, the games are set up and everything is ready. A hour before it was supposed to start Ty says "mom I throweded up." which he has been telling me when he coughs up stuff from his cold. So I went over with a rag to clean it up and he spews all over my feet. I couldn't believe it. He up chucked a few more times in the sink and I knew I would have to postpone his party. I felt so bad. I'm glad he didn't seem to care too much about that because he felt so crapy. He has thrown up 3 more times since then but today he seems to be doing a little better. I hope. He finally is keeping down his food. It was supposed to be his first day of primary and I have a little shirt and tie all ready for him and they were going to sing and give him something for his birthday. So sad. But if all goes right the party will be tomorrow. I'm a little worried who will be next with this in my house.....

1 comment:

Roxie said...

im sorry oh man that is sooo sad..weve had it here too..luckily I havent got it but Tanner and Jon have had it.