Your hair freezes like this when you go running. I'm not sure running when it's below zero is the best idea...

Look at his eye lashes! (Notice the jacket Heather? He wears this all the time!)

The one snow storm where Bryan has been able to use his snowblower. Note to the neighbors: don't plow our sidewalks because Bryan gets upset. He wan't to be the one who does it. And I'm really not kidding. What a nerd.

Ty was a little tired after being woken up at 6 am. Poor Jake had to take the brunt of it!
Andy gets frozen every day poor guy. I am impressed you are brave enough to bring your kids out in it, I am sure they are tough enough, but I am not.
Never in my life would I want to be that cold. The picture of Bryan makes me cold just looking at it. BR! UGH! And the pic of Tyson asleep in the car is soooo cute! ha ha! Love it!
Love the frozen hair!
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