Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring Break Post 1-Snow Canyon

We were lucky enough to have my parents invite us on a fun spring break trip again this year. Last year we went to Moab and this year we went to St. George. I was really, really sick the week before with my morning sickness and I was really worried I would never make it down there. I was throwing up every time I got up to help the kids eat or do anything. I got on some different medicine before we left and it started to make a difference. I did really well in St. George and I attruibiute that to my parents helping me A LOT with my boys and doing stuff to keep my mind off of being sick. Since the trip I have been feeling better (still sick but functional) so I can think back on this trip and no think about how sick I feel. The first full day we were there we went to Snow Canyon and mostly played on the sand dunes. My boys LOVED the sand dunes.
My boys love their "buddy papa" as they call my dad. When it says trail it really means walking like 50 feet to get to the sand dune.
We built a hill and the boys got to destroy it. Their favorite thing to do in our sandbox at home.
This beautiful tree was off the side of the road where we went exploring.
Look at that red rock.

My boys loved it. They were covered in sand!

Monday, April 19, 2010

The cats out of the bag...

We in case you were wondering what has happened to me the last while (I haven't been posting very much) I'll let you in on a little secret... I've been very, very morning sick. That's right, Palmer baby #3 is on it's way and boy is he (we figure it's going to be a boy again) is he making sure I earn him. Not only did it take us a while to get him coming but I've been really sick. I've started a pregnancy blog (sorry to copy you Aubrey- loved the idea!) but it's private so if you want to see it e-mail me your e-mail address, send it to me on facebook or post it here and I'll delete it as soon as I read it. Nothing too exciting but just a way I can keep track of things without posting them for the entire world to see. Here is a picture of my sweet baby:

Ah, I have a angel baby. Doesn't it look like a halo above it's head? Well I'm 10 weeks along and due Nov. 15th. My boys (especially Ty) is really excited.

Friday, April 16, 2010


We had our annual Palmer family Easter Hunt. This year we had Bryan's uncle and his 6 kids come too besides our 15 kids from our family. We had to do it in a church gym because their was snow in Bryan's parents backyard. It was a really cold weekend that weekend. It made it harder for my kids to get very much candy because their were so many older kids who had much faster hands then my boys but they didn't notice (thank goodness) and had a blast.

He cracked me up because instead of just staying in one spot and picking up candy he would run, grab one, then run like 10 feet and grab one more. But he was having so much fun I didn't say anything to him. He looks board in this picture but he really was having a great time.
I really did good with Easter last year but this year the Easter bunny had to put their baskets together Easter morning... way to go bunny. But they didn't notice. I'm glad they didn't remember it being Easter when they woke up.
They found their box of chalk from the Easter Bunny
They searched for their baskets in our basement. Both boys were really into it this year.
The toys that were in their baskets didn't last too long... they were broken within the hour. That's what the Easter bunny gets for buying cheep toys at wal-mart. But the boys didn't care and they were just so excited to get them. Next Easter the bunny will do a much better job!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Up in the air

A couple of weeks ago Bryan's boss who likes to fly planes as a hobby took us up on a Saturday morning. Ty went with them last year and this year we took the whole family. Blake was freaked out by it but was soon asleep as soon as we were up. I don't recommend riding in these small planes if you get motion sick. I had to shut my eyes for a good part of it because if I looked anywhere but in front of me or we turned I was really sick. I didn't say anything about it because I felt bad and didn't want them to land sooner because of me. Ty just loves talking into the headphones. The place we live is so beautiful. It's even better from the sky. We had to fly over all the mountains that Bryan hunts and he enjoyed telling me where the deer they have shot in the last few years were. We even found our house and had Bryan's dad go outside his house and wave so we could see him. We are lucky to be able to do fun things like this with our boys!