A couple of weeks ago Bryan's boss who likes to fly planes as a hobby took us up on a Saturday morning. Ty went with them last year and this year we took the whole family. Blake was freaked out by it but was soon asleep as soon as we were up. I don't recommend riding in these small planes if you get motion sick. I had to shut my eyes for a good part of it because if I looked anywhere but in front of me or we turned I was really sick. I didn't say anything about it because I felt bad and didn't want them to land sooner because of me. Ty just loves talking into the headphones. The place we live is so beautiful. It's even better from the sky. We had to fly over all the mountains that Bryan hunts and he enjoyed telling me where the deer they have shot in the last few years were. We even found our house and had Bryan's dad go outside his house and wave so we could see him. We are lucky to be able to do fun things like this with our boys!

I've been in a small airplane like that once when I was a senior in high school. I flew over Nampa and got to see the high school and my house, etc. It was awesome and a little scary.
So fun for your boys to be able to do things like that at such a young age! Who knows, maybe one of them will become a pilot some day.
how fun...I havent seen you forever..we missed you at the park a few weeks ago where were you?
What a fun thing- but I think I would be like you Heather, I get so motion sick! Even if you do get sick you look great in the pics, I love that you and your boys have the head phone things on. What a fun thing for little boys! And you are right Heather where you live is beautiful everytime we come to the valley we love how beautiful it is!
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