Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, April 19, 2010

The cats out of the bag...

We in case you were wondering what has happened to me the last while (I haven't been posting very much) I'll let you in on a little secret... I've been very, very morning sick. That's right, Palmer baby #3 is on it's way and boy is he (we figure it's going to be a boy again) is he making sure I earn him. Not only did it take us a while to get him coming but I've been really sick. I've started a pregnancy blog (sorry to copy you Aubrey- loved the idea!) but it's private so if you want to see it e-mail me your e-mail address, send it to me on facebook or post it here and I'll delete it as soon as I read it. Nothing too exciting but just a way I can keep track of things without posting them for the entire world to see. Here is a picture of my sweet baby:

Ah, I have a angel baby. Doesn't it look like a halo above it's head? Well I'm 10 weeks along and due Nov. 15th. My boys (especially Ty) is really excited.


Camey said...

Oh, what a cute baby! I love it! He is even bigger than mine! It does look like a halo, I have never seen that before!

Nicole said...
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Curtis and Deedra said...

I'm excited for you! I hope it's a girl :)

Anonymous said...
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Roxie said...

YAY..that is SO exciting..oh heather I feel so bad you get soo sick..PLEASE please please call me if you need anything...I should have picked up your boys on that park day..k on the next one.. I you can wait to hear what the gender is:)

heather and fam said...
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Meikjn said...

congrats. I think the 3rd is easiest yet. (minus shopping.)

Meikjn said...
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Adam and Aubrey said...
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Kandace said...

Yay for baby Palmer #3! I know odds are it's a boy...but I'm going to vote girl...just to be different. Besides...I think Bryan could use more girl in his life. Balance out the guns, john deere and dirt. ;) Congrats guys! SO excited for you!

Brent said...

Enjoy the halo while you can, it won't last long.

Rebecca said...

Yeah!! I did notice the halo just before I read your comment. So sweet! Love you guys, hope you start to feel better