Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring Break Post 1-Snow Canyon

We were lucky enough to have my parents invite us on a fun spring break trip again this year. Last year we went to Moab and this year we went to St. George. I was really, really sick the week before with my morning sickness and I was really worried I would never make it down there. I was throwing up every time I got up to help the kids eat or do anything. I got on some different medicine before we left and it started to make a difference. I did really well in St. George and I attruibiute that to my parents helping me A LOT with my boys and doing stuff to keep my mind off of being sick. Since the trip I have been feeling better (still sick but functional) so I can think back on this trip and no think about how sick I feel. The first full day we were there we went to Snow Canyon and mostly played on the sand dunes. My boys LOVED the sand dunes.
My boys love their "buddy papa" as they call my dad. When it says trail it really means walking like 50 feet to get to the sand dune.
We built a hill and the boys got to destroy it. Their favorite thing to do in our sandbox at home.
This beautiful tree was off the side of the road where we went exploring.
Look at that red rock.

My boys loved it. They were covered in sand!


Roxie said...

Heather im so glad your feeling a little better...I dont think anyone will ever really know what you have gone through without experiencing it for themselves...Im so glad you were still able to have a good time.

Curtis and Deedra said...

You poor thing! I wish I lived nearby to help you out. Glad you had a good trip though. I miss seeing all of your family!