Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Can you hear me??

So with some persuasion from some friends of mine I took my 4 year old to the local head start screening with the school district because I'm worried about how well he can do directions and have wondered if it's a major problem or not. So we show up and they fit us in and we are there for about a hour and half getting tested. He was really cute thought it all and did pretty good I thought. We had a vision test and then we waited for a hearing test. It was taking the kids a couple of minutes each to get though the screening. It was then our turn and we ended up in there for 20-25 minutes. I'm sure the people waiting hated us but oh well. They questioned enough if he could hear some of the tones they put this thing in his ear that sent waves to his middle ear and back and something was blocking the waves from coming back. He failed in both ears. They suggested I take him to the dr. and get him looked at. Then on he way out they came to me with the results of his other tests. He scored really high on his content knowledge- score for me. I've been working with him all year and with preschool. But his cognitive learning (problem solving) was below average so they want to retest him later in the summer. I'm thinking how do you even teach a kid how to problem solve? He usually makes a lot of decisions at him and makes choices but when to try to show him how to do a puzzle for example it can be like pulling teeth. I'm not too worried about it because heck he is FOUR. And not 5 until next year so we have a whole other year of preschool to work on some of this stuff.

The one that did worry me was his hearing stuff. I took him into a ear-nose and throat dr. yesterday and we found out he has fluid in both ears pretty bad. I had no idea. I bet it's been there for awhile because I think back to the last 6 months or so and I can remember a lot of times that I was talking to him or calling him and he seemed to not hear me and I would get frustrated with him thinking he was ignoring me. I feel really bad not for getting mad at him and putting him in time out for it and he may of not been able to hear me. We are trying some antibiotic first with a medicated nose spray trying to get his adenoids and tonsils down (they are HUGE he said) which may be causing the fluid to be there. If this works then all is well. But if it doesn't we may have to take them out. To Bryan and I we are so happy that this isn't a life long thing for him and either way we can fix it and he can hear better. We are just hoping and praying that the medicine is enough to fix it but if not we will do what we need to get him better.


Curtis and Deedra said...

Hmmm...that makes me wonder if I should take my kids in to get their ears checked. Garrett had failed in his left ear at birth but it was borderline. At first we were getting him checked out but we felt like we were wasting our time. They never said if they'd be able to do anything or not and then our insurance was canceled anyway. Maybe now that he's older it might be worth it and maybe they can do something.

Camey said...

I don't know how he hasn't complained. Fluid in the ear hurts so bad! His pain tolerance most be high! Poor kid! I am glad you went and got it checked and didn't put it off. Let me know how it goes!

Brittney said...

Poor little guy! Don't you just hate those tests! But good job you did it, and that he hopefully will get better and it won't be a long time thing. Having kids is so crazy and can be so hard, someone told me a quote when i was going through testing with Tai and I think it is so true: Having children gives you serious carpet burn on your heart! So sorry the poor little guy has to take medicine, but hopefully it will be over soon.

blair and maisy said...

That's nice that you have found there is a problem that can be fixed. I love your hair- it looks so cute short!

Jessica said...

Good for you for going through all of those tests. I am a speech-language pathologist (a huge part of my training was in hearing) and take it from me, early intervention is key in these things.

The fluid in the ear can be a really big deal for speech and language development because he isn't able to hear high frequency sounds like s, v, th or quiet sounds like t d. Unstressed words in sentences can be missed too, like the and etc.

I hope the meds take care of it for him! Sooo glad it was just fluid, my heart started racing for you at first :).