Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Fun

We have been busy the last couple of weeks!
The cousins! I volunteered to do a party at my house for Bryan's family a while ago and everyone kept asking me if I was up to it. I thought I was but when Bryan ended up not being able to help me get ready for it it really wore me out. My blood pressure started going up and everything. Once the party actually started it was really fun so glad I did it but I won't be volunteering to do much until AFTER this baby is born for now on.
My nephew really got into the eat the donut off a string game.
My little shark. =)

We have a fun tradition around here where they decorate pumpkins and people come to see them. Sounds kind of lame but my boys like going. Maybe that's because they give you a cookie at the end.

I loved this one. We watch this pixar short all the time.
Our local college homecoming parade. The parade was boring but they did throw a lot of candy. We went with a lot of my cousins which was fun for my boys.
I usually don't dress up at all for halloween but with my belly looking like I stuffed a basketball under my shirt I needed to make it into a pumpkin. This picture really hides how big my belly really is!
Our ward Halloween party- of course he had to have them paint a batman logo on his hand.
We went to Old navy again this year for Ty's costume- He loves growling at people in it.
Don't laugh too hard because I made his costume. I always figured I would buy a nice costume for Ty and my other kids could ware them but the younger brother in this family wasn't willing to be a monkey this year.
Part of me really hopes this baby holds on until after Halloween so I can trick or treat with these guys but then other times I am SO ready to not feel like throwing up, feeling so tired it takes me a few minutes to get up my stairs and all the pain I'm in that I'm ok with him coming asap. If not maybe trick or treating will induce labor! I can dream right?

Monday, October 25, 2010

It's Autumn time!

For our family home evening all year we almost always sing the little primary song "it's autumn time it's autumn the leaves are falling down" and it goes on and on. At least when we sing it now it fits right? I've been in a lot of pain the last couple of weeks with this pregnancy so we don't get outside as much as my boys would like but we do manage to get out enough to keep them happy. I went into the dr. a few days ago and I pretty much could have this baby any day. I'm going to try to catch up on my blogging before he comes! But there is a chance he won't be her for a couple more weeks. You just never know! My Grandpa is doing a little better. It looked like he was for sure not going to make it a week ago but now he is able to swallow a little bit and move around with some help. He will be at the hospital for a couple more weeks so it looks like he will be there when I'm there having the baby.
Yes I know, my face is really, really fat. If you are nice and say "oh no it's not" I know your lying. It's huge, and it's what happens to me when I'm pregnant. But I like having proof I did things with my kids so I do get a few pictures of me with my fat face with them.
My parents and I with the boys.
My kids love my parents and brother. They get a lot of attention from them!
I wish I would have grown these myself but I bought them this year. I'm growing pumpkins next year even if my husband doesn't want to. I'm the one who plants and takes care of the garden and my kids really missed not growing pumpkins.

Ready for the deer hunt! (in about 10 more years)
I really do try to get good pictures of my kids but I'm horrible at getting their attention. I don't even care if they have a cheesy smily I just want them to look somewhat normal but that never works. So this is about the best I got of the two. How on earth am I going to get a pictures of my three boys when this baby comes?

This picture cracks me up. What is he a model? He is handsome though!
With their cousin playing in the leaves in Grandpa's backyard.

Bryan was hunting with his brother in Idaho and I was too far along in my pregnancy to go with so I let the boys set up their little kid tent in my room and sleep by me. They LOVED it and I got to have the bed to myself. A win, win!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I love my Grandpa

Sunday night I get a phone call from my mom saying my Grandpa isn't doing very good and is in the hospital. It looks like he had a stroke and we know now that he cannot swallow even a tiny drop of water among many other things. I've always been close to this set of Grandparents especially since I have moved close by them. I'm having a hard time with the idea of him being gone soon but he has been in bad health for awhile so it is somewhat of a blessing. I'm not sure if he will make it though the week or not but who knows he might make it another month for all I know. Bryan and I decided before we even know this kid was a boy that we wanted to have his middle name be Lowell after my Grandpa. I've been praying all summer he would be in good enough health to be around when the baby is born. Ironic that I only have a couple of weeks left and Grandpa isn't doing very good I guess. It's hard on me being so pregnant to not be emotional about it but I guess who I'm really sad for is me because I know he had lived such a good life and he is ready to go if now is the time. We are the ones who will be left with the void of him not being around. My boys saw me crying about it yesterday and wondered what was wrong. I told them and Blake told me he was going to live with Jesus now.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My babies third birthday!

Bryan promised Tyson when he was in the hospital that he would sleep in the backyard in a tent when he started to feel better. We had really warm weather that week so Bryan decided it was now or never. So the night before Blake's third birthday they all slept in the tent. I wasn't about to go with my big belly out in the cold so I stayed inside. The boys LOVED it though. What a nice dad to do that with them.
He wanted a batman cake and party but lucky for me a three year old doesn't care if the house matches batman colors so he was happy with just the cake.
These are his batman PJ's we have had for awhile. He wares them ALL THE TIME. He cries if they are in the laundry and has to ware something else. My mom gave him the pirate hat and sword which he has on him at all times.
His tough guy face- and the cake. My friend Janet was SO KIND to help me get this cake. She has a friend with the pan and helped me bake the cake so all I had to do was decorate it. It's not really good but at least it looks kind of like batman right? We brought Ty home from the hospital a few days before Blake's birthday and I was having a hard time keeping up so to have the cake made really helped me out.
I'm glad he really liked it because it took me like two hours to decorate it.
I found this cute guitar and he loves it. He walks around the house playing it singing "the bear went over the mountain" and a couple of other songs it plays. It's so cute. I can't believe he is already three. I'm glad I'm about to have another baby because Blake really isn't my baby anymore.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fire station

Ty's preschool did a field trip to the fire station and so I went with them. Partly because I was worried about Ty being only a week out of surgery and that they wanted the parents to drive if they could anyway. It was Blake's birthday anyway and I wanted to take him with. They both LOVED it! And the truck got called out on a fire while we where there so the kids could see it drive off with it's lights on. That was my boys favorite part. They also talked about fire safety and what to do in case of a fire. The fireman showed the kids what they look like all dressed in their gear so if they ever see a firemen in their house in a fire they won't be scared of them. I thought that was a great idea. I've had this weird phobia of my house burning down since I was Ty's age and since my fire detectors seem to go off in the middle of the night once or so a year for no reason it scares me to death. They showed the kids the ambulance too and they were talking about getting a IV and Ty had to show the kids where his IV went into his arm. He was a pro about all the medical stuff. Poor kid.

"driving" the truck
The ambulance
Ty's preschool class plus a couple of kids
The nice fireman who gave us the tour

Friday, October 8, 2010

General Conference

My church does a general conference twice a year where leaders of the church speak to give guidence and words of wisdom. Stuff like that. I always look forward to it every year because it gives me a chance to be uplifted by their messages and usually with a feeling of wanting to do better. My dad work for the Boy scouts and his job is the LDS relations person. So he is the middle man between the church and the boy scouts to keep the church happy with scouts. Anyway he gets really good tickets to acutally sit in the conference center for all the sessions (there is 5) and I have never been able to go. I either have a new baby and can't leave them or we just decided it's eaiser to stay home and watch it on tv. This year Bryan was hunting so I went to my parents house with the boys and my mom offered to watch the boys so I could go. The place holds like 10,000 something people so there are a lot of people around temple square. I didn't see ANY pregnant people. I must have been one of the very few people crazy enough to sit through 2 hours of conference almost 9 months pregnant. It was hard to sit that long but I really enjoyed it. Who knows if I will ever be able to go again!
This is our Prophet walking out. I was this close to the front!
My dad and brother with me outside the conference center.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tyson Update

Tyson had done really good since we've been home. The first few days he had a really hard time getting around and was in a lot of pain. We are almost two weeks since his surgery and he is acting almost 100%. I've been trying to get him to eat anything he wants because he lots a lot of weight. I took him into the surgeon for a check up last Friday and he had gained a little bit of his weight back and everything looked really good on him. I think since we have been home I've been the one who is a mess. I was in such a state of survival mode at the hospital that I didn't let go of a lot of the emotion that I had inside. My poor husband was so worried I didn't dare share any worries I had because I know he would really freak out. So when we finally got home I was in this zombie mode it felt like. I felt like I needed to go to my room and cry for about a hour so I could feel better but I was still so worried about Ty and trying to help him I couldn't do that. The next day I was totally physically exhausted. My body felt like I had a bad flu. My poor husband got the brunt of my emotional problems and I was just mad and crying at him all day. I'm glad he still put up with me! It took me a few days but I finally started feeling better. It was really strange. I'm not sure how to really explain it. After about 5 days home I quit crying everyday about something or other. I'm sure being this pregnant isn't helping with that much either!
My sweet little boy with his favorite Bunny he calls coconut. This was taken the day after we got home from the hospital. I was freaking out because he climbed up in his tree house. I finally had to let some of the panic go and figure if he feels good enough to do it I need to let him.
I don't know what I would have done without my handsome boy!
Showing off his incision. It's about 3 inches. He can't bath but he can shower. At this point we are really only recovering from the incision instead of his appendix rupturing. The dr. told us the odds of him having further problems are very very low. Looks like the worst (of this) is over! Now I just need to have a good delivery and a healthy baby and we will be set!