Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, October 25, 2010

It's Autumn time!

For our family home evening all year we almost always sing the little primary song "it's autumn time it's autumn the leaves are falling down" and it goes on and on. At least when we sing it now it fits right? I've been in a lot of pain the last couple of weeks with this pregnancy so we don't get outside as much as my boys would like but we do manage to get out enough to keep them happy. I went into the dr. a few days ago and I pretty much could have this baby any day. I'm going to try to catch up on my blogging before he comes! But there is a chance he won't be her for a couple more weeks. You just never know! My Grandpa is doing a little better. It looked like he was for sure not going to make it a week ago but now he is able to swallow a little bit and move around with some help. He will be at the hospital for a couple more weeks so it looks like he will be there when I'm there having the baby.
Yes I know, my face is really, really fat. If you are nice and say "oh no it's not" I know your lying. It's huge, and it's what happens to me when I'm pregnant. But I like having proof I did things with my kids so I do get a few pictures of me with my fat face with them.
My parents and I with the boys.
My kids love my parents and brother. They get a lot of attention from them!
I wish I would have grown these myself but I bought them this year. I'm growing pumpkins next year even if my husband doesn't want to. I'm the one who plants and takes care of the garden and my kids really missed not growing pumpkins.

Ready for the deer hunt! (in about 10 more years)
I really do try to get good pictures of my kids but I'm horrible at getting their attention. I don't even care if they have a cheesy smily I just want them to look somewhat normal but that never works. So this is about the best I got of the two. How on earth am I going to get a pictures of my three boys when this baby comes?

This picture cracks me up. What is he a model? He is handsome though!
With their cousin playing in the leaves in Grandpa's backyard.

Bryan was hunting with his brother in Idaho and I was too far along in my pregnancy to go with so I let the boys set up their little kid tent in my room and sleep by me. They LOVED it and I got to have the bed to myself. A win, win!

1 comment:

Curtis and Deedra said...

It's all part of pregnancy Heather. Even my face gets fat when I'm pregnant. Don't worry, you'll lose it.
I love Autumn time. Just think, you're baby very well could be born on Halloween :)