Ty's preschool did a field trip to the fire station and so I went with them. Partly because I was worried about Ty being only a week out of surgery and that they wanted the parents to drive if they could anyway. It was Blake's birthday anyway and I wanted to take him with. They both LOVED it! And the truck got called out on a fire while we where there so the kids could see it drive off with it's lights on. That was my boys favorite part. They also talked about fire safety and what to do in case of a fire. The fireman showed the kids what they look like all dressed in their gear so if they ever see a firemen in their house in a fire they won't be scared of them. I thought that was a great idea. I've had this weird phobia of my house burning down since I was Ty's age and since my fire detectors seem to go off in the middle of the night once or so a year for no reason it scares me to death. They showed the kids the ambulance too and they were talking about getting a IV and Ty had to show the kids where his IV went into his arm. He was a pro about all the medical stuff. Poor kid.
"driving" the truck
Fun! Kona would love something like that! Your poor Ty. Knowing all about the iv and crap. He shouldn't have to know that!
So fun! My boys would LOVE that.
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