Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, October 8, 2010

General Conference

My church does a general conference twice a year where leaders of the church speak to give guidence and words of wisdom. Stuff like that. I always look forward to it every year because it gives me a chance to be uplifted by their messages and usually with a feeling of wanting to do better. My dad work for the Boy scouts and his job is the LDS relations person. So he is the middle man between the church and the boy scouts to keep the church happy with scouts. Anyway he gets really good tickets to acutally sit in the conference center for all the sessions (there is 5) and I have never been able to go. I either have a new baby and can't leave them or we just decided it's eaiser to stay home and watch it on tv. This year Bryan was hunting so I went to my parents house with the boys and my mom offered to watch the boys so I could go. The place holds like 10,000 something people so there are a lot of people around temple square. I didn't see ANY pregnant people. I must have been one of the very few people crazy enough to sit through 2 hours of conference almost 9 months pregnant. It was hard to sit that long but I really enjoyed it. Who knows if I will ever be able to go again!
This is our Prophet walking out. I was this close to the front!
My dad and brother with me outside the conference center.


kathy said...

I just linked to your blog through Aubrey's while surfing, so you don't know me, but I'm sitting here almost peeing my pants reading your conference post. See if you can find your typo. Thanks for really making my day!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Where's the side profile shot Heather? lol You are a cute pregnant lady. I have to admit I don't think I'd be going to the conference center if I was that pregnant. Kudos to you!

Rebecca said...

OK, HOOK US UP! That will get us out to Utah. I commented to Kane that one day I would love to attend General Conference. We joked about how impossible it probably is to get in...haha...