Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, February 18, 2012


We have been planning for YEARS to go to Disneyland with our boys and ended up going to Cancun with my parents last year (no regrets there) and put off Disney to go with Bryan's family this spring.  Well things happened and we ended up being the only ones in Bryan's family that were really into going.  We made sure Bryan's school and work was all squared away and booked our trip a month ago or so.  We decided to drive it to save money and do a all nighter on the way down so the kids would sleep.  Bryan had to work Saturday night and he got home just before 9pm and we headed out!  I had taken Stockton into the dr. a few days before and had gotten shots that had been giving him a fever so I was worried about that.  My kids usually do really well with shots but for some reason he had a couple of days with a fever.  My kids did great in the car!  Stock woke up a couple of times and fussed but went back to sleep. I'm pretty sure Tyson didnt' really sleep much though.  I didn't get a lot of sleep either because I was worried about Bryan driving and falling asleep.  We were worn out Sunday but we did ok.  After breakfast we headed to the beach to play before we could check into our hotel.  We got there in about 10 1/2 hours (love the no traffic!) so it was like 7 am when we got there.  Don't ask me how we got there though- We really used our GPS a lot this trip.  We went to Newport beach to check out the ocean. It was a little windy and kind of cold but my older boys had a blast running from the waves. 

 Stockton was ok with the ocean at first then he feel apart.  Little did we know but he was coming down with a REALLY bad cold.  I chalked up his fever that morning to his shots but I'm pretty sure the fevers kind of blended together- he was not a happy boy. I think on a different day he would have been all over the beach.
     Tyson LOVES the ocean.  It was too cold to get very wet but he still ran all over the beach and got his feet wet.  I told him out to write California in the sand by himself. My smart boy. =)
 How dare we put Stockton down.  He was not happy about it. Bryan and Stockton ended up in the van for a while.

 You can't really tell but the waves were really high and there were at least a hundred surfers in the water.  I loved watching them.  My boys were too busy playing to really pay attention.  Ty is running from the waves in this picture.
 In Cancun we never saw one single seashell.  We got a few broken ones here my boys thought were cool.
We only stayed a little over a hour (that's all the quarters we had for the meter) then headed back to try to check into our hotel.

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