Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stocktons favorite part of Disney...

While we were waiting for Bryan and the older boys to finish a ride chip and dale came out of this building by Stockton and I and they were SO CUTE with him!  They were poking his belly and teasing him.  He loved it.  So when there were only a couple of people in line for a picture with them I got in line to see them again too.
 They played peek-a-boo with him and blew him kisses.  So cute. Whenever he sees this picture he points and starts to jabber on about it.  A worker took these picture for me.  I loved how he took like 10 total.  I really appreciated how much they interacted with Stockton because Mickey didn't at all.

 There was no one in line for Mickey in Ca. adventure so I made Bryan let me get a family picture. The only one we got the whole trip. You can tell Stockton didn't feel very good this day can't you?
Pluto was also really cute to my boys.  Stockton tried to grab his whiskers off.  

I took Stockton into one of the stores and showed him all of the stuff animals and he grabbed onto this donald duck and WOULD NOT let it go!  He I tried to talk him into the bigger one that looked just like it but he wouldn't have it.  So this was his present from disneyland. 

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