Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I heart Disneyland!

 Monday morning was our first day into the park.  Tyson was so funny because when we were in line to get in the park he said "I don't want to use my ticket for this ride!" He thought we only got to ride one ride because he only had one ticket and he saw the train and didn't want to "waste" his ticket on that. Once we started walking down main street USA he changed his tune.  Bryan wasn't into posing for pictures every two seconds (can't say I really blame him) but I thought it was too cute to watch them hold hands I snapped a picture.  I know these are a little out of order but the end of the first day we got this picture with the castle in behind us.

 Ty was so excited to go though it until we did and all that is in it was a 'princess' store.  He still thought it looked cool though.  I loved how he wanted me to keep taking pictures of him. Stockton was really sick on Sunday but with some medicine he did pretty good in Disney the next day. It was a lot of walking for me with my big belly though.  It was nice to send the boys on some bigger rides that I couldn't go on so I could sit for awhile.

 My boys had been talking about how they were going to pull the sword out of the stone for weeks so I was excited when they finally got to give it a try.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Blake's face as he is trying to pull it out.  We missed the little show they usually do where someone pulls it out but they enjoyed trying just the same.
 For the most part my boys were really brave to try pretty much any ride we put them on.  The thunder mountain railroad looked really scary to Ty but we made him try it at least once.  Those little stinkers kept ending up in the front of every ride they went on.  When Ty got off he was like "mom that was awesome!".  He tells me now it was his favorite ride.  Blake rode it later and loved it too.

LOVE this picture. What a funny boy.
Next to Splash Mountain was the little winnie the pooh ride and so Stockton and I got some quality time on that ride.  I went on it 3 or 4 times when all was said and done.  Bryan and the boys went with us one time too.  Whenever Bryan says take my picture I don't pass that chance up.  He helped so much with Stockton in the park for me.  Stockton is SUCH A DADDYS BOY that he would rather go to him sometimes then me- even when he is sick and sad. 

 The Mr. toads wild ride- I have to be honest.  Fantasy land isn't my favorite.  I think the rides are dumb compared to the other side of the park.  But we always spend some time there.

The one ride I really like there is the tea cups but I was worried being morning sick a lot of times and  going on it.  Poor Bryan had just gotten off of star tours though and the new one they did with that made him a little sick so I decided to tuff out the tea cups.  I am SO IMPRESSED with this picture! Bryan is better then I am at my camera come to find out.  We had fun but I didn't let the boys  make it spin anymore then it already did.

 It's a Small World ride.  Stockton liked it but Blake told me half way though "mom this ride is too long"
 I'm pretty sure this is my FAVORITE PICTURE OF THE WHOLE TRIP! They went on splash mountain three times and two of the three times they walked right onto the ride.  So Ty kept ending up right in the front. The first time he went on it he hit is lip into the log and it started bleeding.  This ride really scared my boys (just the big hill) as you can see.  I think Ty's face is priceless.  I think Bryan loved being able to take them on all of these fun rides.
We were waiting for Bryan and Ty on a ride so the boys were watching the ducks.  Stockton couldn't get enough of walking around outside. We never really thought of it before but Stockton had never been able to walk around outside because it's too cold here since he started walking.  He hated being carried very much and wanted to walk by himself.  He hated for us to even hold his hand.

 Another picture of Stockton walking around Disneyland.  Like I said- he loved exploring by himself. he defiantly thinks he knows what he wants.
The picture of my three boys is also one of my favorites.  Stockton did a decent amount of crying while we were there to let us know what he wanted. I didn't get very many good pictures of him because he wouldn't hold still enough for a picture.  

 Another "take my picture mom" moment. I couldn't pass it up. Blake was asleep and Stock was having dad follow him around.
Happy Valentines day! This was the only thing in the park that made it look like valentines day- except for the amount of couples that were there.

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