Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

Every year my mother in law does a Easter hunt with a ton of candy in her backyard. I was worried when I woke up Friday morning to a few inches of SNOW in the yard.  We always do Easter stuff Saturday with the Palmers so I was wondering how it was going to work with so much snow.  It warmed up so much the next morning that I even got  sunburned in her backyard Saturday. We had lunch first then the candy hunt after so it had warmed up a lot by then and all the snow was gone.  Debbie (my MIL) invited her brother and his 6 kids to it too.  My next baby is grandchild #20 in Bryan's family so we are getting a big group of kids! Stockton was fun to watch because he would find a candy and try to eat it wrapper and all.  He kind of got it after awhile.  He was happy with his little fists full of half chewed candy anyway.  Blake and Ty don't need much help filling their baskets.  We are still enjoying the fruits of their labors a few days later.  They had a fun afternoon playing with their cousins.  Stockton wanted to be with all of the older kids doing whatever they were doing most of the afternoon. When the kids were playing soccer Stockton wanted to play with them and he would try to run after them.
My boys and I- and my fat pregnant face.  Ugh. 
The Easter bunny left his usual treasure hunt for the boys Sunday morning.  Ty was up at like 6:45 saying the sun was up and he was ready to look for his basket. I held him off until just before 8 when all the boys were up so they could do it together.  They love having a treasure hunt. They kept trying to look downstairs for the clues but I knew they would find their baskets too soon so I'm going to have to rethink where I hide them next year.

Cheesy smile with his Easter basket.  He got some cars 2 cars he had been wanting since his birthday so he was really excited. 
Blake is REALLY getting into Star Wars (he told me he all of the  sudden hates batman.) He got a star wars action figure he carries around the house and looses at least 5 times a day. 

My boys- Bryan felt that a shotgun was needed for this picture. 
I got them this cute shirts for Easter- they all got some plaid shorts that match their shirts kind of like Stockton's.  I didn't think they were good for church for the older boys but they had them on later that day.
Bryan isn't really big into getting his pictures taken all the time but he likes a good picture with his favorite people. I just keep thinking how crazy it will be soon to have 4 little boys in this picture.  I still can't believe I'm going to have 4 kids and they are all boys.

We headed to Layton for Easter dinner after church to be with my family.  My parents put together a little easter egg hunt and since Debbie's hunt is just candy on the grass this was a fun change of pace.  They loved looking for all of the eggs.  Even Stockton kind of got into it.
A RARE photo of all my boys looking in the same direction together! They have the shorts I bought them all on too.  I even got a outfit to match for my new baby so they all will match.  Hey if I will never  buy a little girl a Easter dress I can do this right?

Ty helped us make Monster easter eggs. Blake kind of helped us but the smell of the vinegar made him run away.

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