I feel like ever since I found out I was pregnant Stockton has grown up really fast. He is always doing stuff that cracks us all up.
He is still daddy's boy. He doesn't really say a lot still but he listens a lot. If he sees anyone getting ready to leave the house he grabs his socks and shoes and brings them to me so he can go with.
We were eating ice cream the other night and he grabbed one of my tupperware bowls and went up to my dad whining that he wanted some.
Stockton is really into shoes- it doesn't matter whose shoes they are either. He was walking around my kitchen the other day like this.
No one loves singing time in Family Home Evening as much as Stockton. He really gets into it! We were singing head, shoulders, knees and toes and he points to his head feet and face when we sing it. He likes to stand on this little stool he is sitting on and likes to look out the window. We have been outsides a lot! He really loves our sandbox and tramp.
If Bryan is on the lawn mower Stockton thinks he needs to be too. Any machinery Bryan is working with Stock needs to be right with them.
He really loves his brothers- Ty spends extra attention to him and he loves them. If they are laying on the floor he climbs on them to wrestle. He likes to wake Ty in the morning. He will give hugs to them too. The other day he wanted a cookie so I gave him a piece, he walked over to my carpet and crumbled it up. He is a handful and a sweetheart wrapped into one.
1 comment:
He has changed so much since we have gotten together last! He reminds me of Blake at this age! You have the cutest boys!
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