Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, April 2, 2012

Prov. 9th ward Champs

For the last 6 years we have been living in our ward Bryan has been on our ward basketball team.  They have made it to the region tournament (From Logan on South in Cache Valley) every year except the year they didn't have a tournament. This was the third time they made it all the way to the finals but finally they pulled it out! It was a late game (9 pm) for my kids and we didn't get home until 10:30 but it was worth it.  I have a lot of fun watching their games.  I have to boast that my Hubby makes a lot of points.  He is dang good.
The team- Alan, Scott, Sun Ju, Bryan, Jason, Nelson and Bret. 

 Jason, Bryan and Bret with the ball the team won. 

So Ty was trying to get Bryan's attention and was just the right height to do this-
 Bryan and his good friend Bret. 
 My future Basketball players with their dad. 
 Alan and Bryan showing off their "eagle" skills or whatever that means. 

Bryan's Dad with the team. 

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