The first few days home with a newborn are always crazy but bringing Brett home was really crazy! Stockton had a cold so he was excited to see the baby and we had to push him away. On the plus side he was really happy to see me. He kept hugging me and wanting me to hold him. I had never been away from Stockton for more then a couple of hours his whole life so it was odd for him to wake up one day and have me not be there. My older boys were bouncing off the walls because they were so excited to have Brett home. Tyson especially was going crazy.
Tyson wanted to share his favorite bunny with Brett. Bunny and Brett are the same size just about!Blake loves to hold Brett. He still asks all the time to hold him. He is a lot more calm then the other boys when he holds him.
After a couple of days I finally got a picture of Stock with his new brother! He LOVES to hold him (me holding the baby in front of him.) He likes to pull the baby right up next to his face and hug him. Then he tries to poke him in the eye. Why do kids always do that to babies?
Between his blood sugar issues and janduice testing (he had to go get tested three times poor little guy but he never had to do the light bed. ) his poor heals were all sorts of chewed up. He got pretty close to needing the light bed (his numbers got to 16 and 18 is where they put them on lights) but we lucked out.
Brett's cord only lasted 5 days or so and that meant we could give him a real bath. Like the rest of my kids he hated his first bath but he likes it now.
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful baby! He is so content and hardly makes a peep. I didn't even know where his binky was for a couple of weeks because he never really needed it! He sleeps a lot and does ok at night. I have a hard time putting him down!
I love all the pics. He is such a cute little boy!
He is just soooo cute! I want to hold him. Love all the Boyd with him. Stockton and him are so close in age!
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