I knew things were going to be hard when Brett was born when I was feeling overwhelmed with my 3 kids let alone having a new baby. The first day home I just kind of sat and stared at the wall all day having no idea how I was ever going to do this on my own. I've gotten a little more of the hang of it but it's still really hard. Stockton has actually done really good with Brett for the most part but there are times I'm holding the baby and Stock feels like it should be his turn on mom's lap.
The hardest part is feeling like there just isn't enough of me to go around. Especially for Stockton. All of my boys have been acting out in one way or another with the change but it's hard when I can't hardly go outside with all the kids. Stockton wanders a lot and it's hard for me to chase him with Brett in my arms. I tried walking to pick Ty up from school (3 blocks away) and Brett screamed the whole way home and my older two fought. ugh.
I have been REALLY blessed to have such a awesome baby. He is so good! There are only a couple of things that get him crying and that's when he is cold coming out of the bath (he SCREAMS) when he's hungry sometimes but even then he just grunts. His nose bothers him a lot too because he is SUPER congested. It wakes him up a lot. We were really scared because my boys have had a minor cold and it's our lot in life to get sick newborns so we were relieved to find out at his 2 week check up his nose was just new baby congestion and didn't look like a cold. I have to spray saline up his nose all day to help him breath better but other then that he is doing great.
My blood pressure has going up into stroke level's so I had to get on medicine. It was around 150/100 area a lot. I'm not sure why my body was doing that because even though life is crazy I have been way more stressed out before he was born and Bryan was in finals. It's been nice that he has been able to be home in the evening since his last semester has ended. I LIVE for him to come home everyday and help me with the kids. I only wish he really knew what it was like to have all 4 alone. I can't go to a store with him. How do I get around with Stockton who doesn't follow me or let me hold his hand and the baby who I have to carry.
Even though things are so crazy right now I know it will be all worth it. It already is worth it. I'm just loving having Brett around! He is the sweetest thing ever. I could hold him all day if I had the time. My boys love him to death. Stockton even loves to hug him. I love his little chicken legs and how cuddly he is.
I love my kids- I still can't believe I have 4 little boys!
Isn't he sweet???
This is Stockton's "cheese" face.
It will get better. I have a hard time with this pregnancy and haven't been that nice! It is hard! Take care of yourself! I miss talking every week!
He is such a cute baby-I love all the dark hair. I can't wait to hold him!
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