Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, May 4, 2012

Long Story Short...

I woke up early Wednesday April 25th feeling like my water was starting to break and ran in the bathroom.  I was loosing a lot of blood in what I figured was my water breaking so Bryan and I got dressed and hurried up to the hospital around 2am.  A few hours later I was already to 8cm when my nurse told me that she was sure now that my water in fact hadn't broken yet and I was just loosing a lot of blood.  I was scared I was bleeding out I had lost so much blood!  My placenta had torn off the wall and was causing me to bleed but with my labor moving so fast it was faster to just deliver me then to do anything else.  I can't imagine how fast my labor would have been had my water actually broke.  It was only like 45 minutes later I was complete (with my water still not broken) and they called my dr. to come in and deliver me.  He broke my water and I started pushing.  10-15 minutes later Brett David Palmer was born at 7:29 weighing a whopping (for being born at 36 weeks) 7 lb 7oz.  I couldn't believe it!  He was a couple of pounds bigger then I thought he would be.  He was considered what they called late pre-term but he was still a premie. Bryan and I were so worried about how well he would do being born this early we didn't get any video or pictures for the first 20 minutes or so not wanting to have video or anything of him struggling.  He really didn't cry at all when he was born which scared me really bad.  I kept looking at Bryan trying to see if he thought he was ok but I could tell he was a little panicked too. He sounded awful at first but was able to breath just fine on his own. 
 You can kind of see that the scale says 7lb 7 oz- it's the first picture of our little guy.
Usually my babies open their eyes after they were born but Brett pretty much had his eyes closed for all but a few minutes while I held him.

Brett with our dr.  Brett Horsley- he was content to be delivering another Brett.  
I finally got to hold him in what seemed like forever.  We had a good snuggle for awhile. 

First bath
Stockton was getting a cold so Bryan just brought up my older boys to see him.  They could hold and talk to him all day!

Blake and Stockton were born with blonde hair and tyson with a tiny bit of darker hair but nothing like Brett!  Bryan keeps teasing me about the mail man coming over.  Until you look at his face and see his Palmer nose that is.

The boys with Grandpa Palmer
We never got a family picture in the hospital because of Stock being a little sick so this pic is the best I got.

Bryan had two final projects/test/presentations the day after Brett was born and that with work and helping with my other boys meant he wasn't at the hospital very much with me.  He came as much as he possibly could but it was just the craziest time Brett could have been born ever. So I got a lot of alone time with the baby.

Brett had blood sugar issues the whole time he was at the hospital.  He had to get his heel pricked every three hours to test it.  It would be good then it would go way down then back up then down the whole time.  Finally he got two good tests in a row and they left his feet alone.  It was hard to go through that alone at the hospital.  Brett was so sleepy that he was really hard to feed and I had to kind of force formula down him.  When he woke up he ate way good but would fall asleep before he was done.  SO GRATEFUL for him being premie that he never had to go the NCIU.  He was really, really close but I got to keep him with him the whole time.
I hate how fat I look in this picture but Brett looks cute so I posted it. 

A rare photo of his eyes open at the hospital. 

We are just so, so grateful that Brett is doing so well and is so healthy!  He could have had so many problems being born a month early but he has done so well! He is the biggest sweetheart and so far is a very, very content baby.  He doesn't fuss much and when he does a hug from mom or dad makes him feel better.  Bryan and I are totally smitten with him.  I'm so happy my little surprise baby is here and that he is mine! 


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad all is well! What a handsome baby!!

Kandace said...

Wow. I tell you what, the stress that these early comers give a mom and dad is a killer. He's beautiful guys! I can't wait to meet him! Congratulations!!! Love you!