Brett is turning into a daddy's boy! He gets all excited when he sees Bryan come in the room. Bryan of course loves it and will pick him up to play with him. He still doesn't sleep very good. He will go from waking up once one night to 5 times the next. He is all over the place! But he is finally napping for me which is a life saver. He hates being in his car seat still and if you see me at the store chances are I'll be holding him while I push the cart. He did reach the milestone of being put in the front of the cart in the seatbelt. The problem is I need that spot for Stockton most of the time.
This was taken on the day he turned 7 months old. He is finally getting some hair! Funny thing is he was born with more hair then any of my other kids but after it feel out it just doesn't want to grow back! And it's kind of dark that did grow back unlike my other boys.
My dang hair ruined this picture but his face is still cute.
Poor Bretty still wakes up with his eye stuck shut a lot. We have been putting his drops in his eyes more to see if that helps. I hope it gets better soon! I swear I've had everyone and their dog tell me to just rub his eye but the problem isn't just one thing clogging that tear duct. It's pretty bad poor little guy.
Brett really likes my tree. At least the lights. If I put him too close to it he tries to eat it. Pine needles don't digest- this I learned from when Blake was little. =)
Big boy in the cart!
I love fat babies in their square looking face!
Stockton was showing Brett the pictures in the book. Stock loves to talk to Brett.
He is my 4th child to wear this coat. My hat goes off to Columbia Sportswear for making a kick butt coat! It's still in awesome shape too!
I don't know why I love this picture so much but I do. I just took it today and his face and his hair sticking up totally cracks me up.
Brett your mom really loves you! You are the sweetest little guy and I love to hug and kiss you all of the time! I feel so blessed to be your mom!
He has such a cute smile. You are good to get any pictures at all. I have probably the same of all of them- which isn't really a lot. I am terrible and wish I was better. You are so good with 4 kids! Love him in the cart with his hat on! You have time to do scrapbooking too? When do you get all of these things done and keep a neat home? I can't barely even blog and my house is turned into World War 2!
Adorable! You're awesome that you have scrapbooks for all of your kids. I, nada, so at least feel good about that!
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