Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

It was my parents turn for Thanksgiving this year and since they are in their new house we wanted to do it there.  My dad has been working very hard along with Bryan, Nate and my mom to building a covering for his patio and also a shed in his back yard.  They just got their new spa for the patio much to my boys (including Bryans) delight.  My boys treat it like a pool they can use all year. 

 Thanksgiving day we did a lot of hanging out then got ready for the big meal! Ty got into the olives:

 Notices Blake's face in most of my pictures.  What a little fart!  Here is the fam minus Brett who was asleep when we started eating.
 All 5 Pack grandkids:
 I LOVE this picture for a lot of reasons- one I think Blake's face is funny. Two the babies are both really mad and they usually are so happy and three my dad has a real smile on his face.  Classic.
 The boys broke out my brothers legos and had a ball building stuff. They also love to play with all of Nate's old batman stuff.
 Brett learned how to sit up really well while we were there.  He is at my FAVORITE baby stage!
 We drove up by Provo Canyon to see this shopping centers christmas lights.  The paper said there was going to be live music and a merry go round going but there wasn't.  My boys still loved the lights.  It was worth going just to see Stockton go totally crazy about the lights.  He was running everything yelling "christmas lights! Christmas lights! oooooo!  Lights!"

 Yes Bryan, you are outside a Victoria's secret.
 Santa usually sits here but with him being gone we decided to take advantage of the photo opt.

 I braved the cold air and ran out to the hot tub with the boys.
 Stockton trying to play Blake's violin. He loved it! 
 Brett and Makiya are so cute together.  I like to get pictures of them together where they are so close in age (8 days).  I just loved how he put his arm around her.  They smile a lot at each other.

So I got me a new toy.  Nate helped me get a new iphone hooked up over the break and I LOVE it! My brother and sister in law are very tech savvy so they  helped me get my phone going. I told Sierra that I had never sent a text before.  The couple of cell phones I had when I was in college or first married charged to text so I never did it.  She said she has been texting since the 7th grade.  Boy am I behind the curve!

I left the plastic part on the screen to protect it until my case came and didn't realize there was a cover on the back over the camera part.  So that's why these pictures look crapy.
 Blake is really, really into playing the cello lately.  We don't have a cello so he just carries his violin around the house playing the open strings. I've played the violin for 22 years (am I that old?) and teach violin lessons so I tried to show him how to actually play and he gets really mad at me.  He wants to play the cello like the guy on the piano guys so I had my dad play some for him.  He thought it was sweet.
I haven't talked Ty into trying to play yet but I want him to at least try it!

We had a awesome Thanksgiving!  I have a lot of different people I know going through health things with themselves or their kids and it just makes me so thankful we are all healthy and happy.  I'm so lucky to have 4 wonderful boys who really want to be good kids.  I'm lucky to have a good husband that makes me laugh a lot and pushes me to be better.  I have a wonderful extended family, a beautiful home to live in and a husband who supports me staying home with our kids.  Even though having 4 boys under 6 is enough to make me want to pull my hair out somedays I don't know how I could be any more blessed!


The Price Family said...

Looks like a very fun thanksgiving! We missed you last weekend! I really wanted to come see you guys but deb said your parents were here visiting. I'll come see you in the spring! I have an iPhone too and I love it! We will have to keep in touch 208-419-6525

Camey said...

Love all the pictures! Especially of Stockton in the chair with the Santa hat. I want to see him and my girls together. I think he talks a lot more than they do! I don't even text because it is one more thing to pay for and distract me! How nice you got one though!