Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

I actually love Christmas eve more then Christmas- I love the anticipation leading up to Christmas morning! We met my in laws at village inn for breakfast.  It was a really fun way to start the day.  It was a VERY snowy day!  We got about 5-6 inches down.  Bryan was snow blowing our drive way every couple of hours.  (more because he loves to do it)..
 Stockton loved being out with the boys in the snow.  It's too bad it was too cold for it to be good packing snow.

 Ready for Christmas eve at Grandma Palmers!
 We do a nativity every year.  Brett was the "saddest baby Jesus I've ever seen" according to Tyson.

 We did our tradition of reading a book they would read to Bryan and his bothers and sisters when they were kids "I wonder when he comes again". I was surprised how well the kids sat.  It's kind of a long book!
 We sang christmas songs

 ate some yummy cookies

Getting santa's cookies ready.  I asked the boys if they wanted to make the cookies or buy them and they said buy.  I was like right on. One less thing to do! They got their PJ's that I always get them.  Brett has some just like Stockton.  Blake did his annual throwing a fit over getting PJ's instead of a toy bit.  I hope he catches on that I do this every year by next year.  Stockton of course had to taste test santa's cookie.
Then went home and got ready for bed!  I promised the boys they could have a sleep over in Stockton's room which they were excited about.  (I honestly wanted to be able to hear them open the door and sneak out if they tried.) It bothered Stockton to have them in there and he cried about it a little bit. It was like 10:30 though so I think he was just way tired.

I just love Christmas eve.

1 comment:

Camey said...

I love Stockton "sneaking" a cookie. I also love that it bothered him to have his brother's in his room. Where does Brett sleep?
Oh and you look so so good for having 4 kids! I wish I had your metabolism!