On the heels of Thanksgiving I had a major realization last Friday I feel like I want to share. I was scrolling through my facebook feed when I saw a story about a little boy that had a "afterlife" experience and said he went to heaven. I have heard this story before years ago but never heard what almost killed him- a ruptured appendix. More then that the misdiagnosis of a appendicitis. It brought me back to a day 3 years ago when Ty was laying in my bed complaining his belly hurt but wasn't really crying about it. He wanted me to carry him around the house but I was around 33-34 weeks pregnant and it was hard to carry a kid his size to the bathroom. I thought it was just being kind of lazy. Bryan was the one that was a lot more worried about it especially where we couldn't get him to eat or drink anything. After a day and a half of him being sick we decided to take him into the dr. and lucky for us it was our normal dr. I remember he hurt so bad we laid blankets on the floor of our van and he rode to the office on the floor. I told Dr. Brown that Bryan thought it was his appendix but when I pushed on his tummy he didn't seem too bothered. When Dr. Brown pushed he did it really hard then Ty went nuts but I thought if someone did that to me I would freak too.
When I thought back to all of this last week one thing really stood out- Dr. Brown had to have been inspired. I have no doubt in that. There was no major sign it was his appendix. But he told me because he couldn't rule it out he felt like we needed to get him some extra tests to make sure. He even told me I could call him tomorrow and chew him out if it was for nothing but he felt like it was worth looking into. They got him a wheel chair and sent us over to the ER (it's the other side of the building from his office) and Ty was talking and being silly and seemed a little better. I really have no doubt (especially with the ER here) that if I would have just shown up with Ty there they would have said he just needed to go to the bathroom or something and sent us home but because Dr. Brown told them they had to check his appendix they kept testing him until they knew one way or the other. A ultrasound did work because his bowels were so full from his body freaking out they couldn't see anything. Then while in the room my poor 4 year old's body couldn't hold on and he started going in his pants and it really embarrassed him. He was hooked up to IV's and I was trying to carry him really prego and pull the stupid IV pool all the while trying to call out to all the nurses who were hanging out chatting. I really hate the ER here. One nurse that wasn't even Ty's nurse started to really help me. Then they did all these blood tests that he was scared of and he really hated the IV. Ty told me he wanted to go home because he wasn't having a fun day. I told him I wasn't having fun either. Then they wanted to do a CT scan and freaked me out that he might get cancer from it someday. My sister in law (who I called) reassured me that it was worth getting done. She has been though almost anything medical procedure you can think of with her kids. That was horrible.

This is Ty in the ER. I'm actually really glad I took this picture because it reminds me how bad things were and how blessed we are he did so well though it all. Soon after the CT scan Bryan FINALLY came up to the ER (I needed someone to be with me) and Bryan's parents came up too. I'll never forgot the moment where the Dr. came in and told us his appendix had ruptured and he needed emergency surgery. It was really one of the worst moments of my life. The guilt of getting after him for not walking or eating all day came rushing in and I just cried and cried. I was so scared my little boy was dying right in front of me. I know people could die from this and I had no idea how bad Ty was. I felt like I failed my son. I didn't take good enough care of him and I waited too long to get help. It wasn't until Bryan's dad gave him a blessing (Bryan didn't feel like he could do it- we were both a mess) that I felt a lot better. I think that blessing was as much or more for me then for Ty. He had surgery around midnight or so and it took a little over a hour.
We were in the hospital for a few days and I hardly left his room. He was the only kid in the pediatric wing so he got a lot of attention from some awesome nurses. Ty had some ups and downs and he had lots of medicine and high fevers. That first night his monitors went off a lot because his oxygen level kept dipping down. That's a unnerving feeling. Bryan was in another room though all of it because he couldn't handle it poor guy. And poor me! It was a lot to handle alone!!
This is gram with Ty. They gave it to him at the hospital. This was the day after surgery.
Tyson 2 days post surgery. We finally got him up and walking a little bit.
Blake was almost three in this picture but he still remembers this and he remembers a few details like the tractor he was holding Grandma Palmer bought Ty. My parents drove up and took Blake with them for a couple of days. Ty had so many people come and visit. Both sets of grandparents came up a few times. Aunt Jenny and her kids brought Ty some stuff. My aunt roxey and Martha brought him stuff and my Grandma Jenkins. Bryan's friend at work Theo bought Ty some books and Jenny Painter had the preschool (where Ty went) make him cards and we hung them up in this room. I'm sure I'm missing some but that's what I can remember off the top of my head. I'm thinking Joe and Heather came up too but if they didn't they did when we got home.
Ty had to get his blood drawn every morning and he asked the guy to give him his sticker on his nose.
We would go on walks in the wheel chair so he could get out of his room. He would show us around the hospital and tells us everything he saw. He especially liked the "beautiful place" a atrium that connected the hospital to the women's center.
When we finally got home I feel apart a little bit. I felt like starring at the wall because I hit the wall. It was horrible. Blake kept trying to jump on Ty and he was so weak. I was a emotional mess.
A week or so of being home with his cousin Lily. I added this picture because he lost a lot of weight and was so skinny!
A week or two post surgery showing off his sweet scar.
Sorry this is so long- here is my point.
If Dr. Brown hadn't told the ER they needed to check his appendix- if he just sent us home I have no idea what would have happened to Ty. I realized this then but it all came flooding back when I read about that boy that died and came back from having his appendix rupture. He was only 4 just like Ty. Of how horrible that experience was it couldn't have gone any better. I know God was looking after us that day. I know God loves my little Tyson and Bryan and I and he helped us though it. I kept thinking why didn't I feel like there was something wrong? Was I not in tune enough- why didn't my mommy senses go off that there was something wrong? I always felt like God will warn you of things like this. I don't think he always does. I think we need some of these things to realize how blessed we really are. God may have not told me before hand but I know now that he had his hand in it all and for that I'm so thanksful. I'm so thankful to see have my sweet Tyson.